The Shaving Cadre

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MarkB's Basses, Shaves & Other Obsessions

Home again today. Have had maybe a total of 5 ~ 6 hours of sleep over the last two nights. No changes regarding the pain in my back and left leg. Will try to get in to see the doc later on.
Getting back from the doc’s. He says it sounds like a herniated disc to him. Going tomorrow for an MRI. Will know more then.
Sorry to hear that Mark, if indeed that is what it is I bet it is L4-L5 make sure to see a Neurosurgeon, its your best best.. If you have to have surgery
Posting a quick update. Had my MRI last Friday and have a follow-up appointment with the doc Thursday where I assume he'll go over the results. The pain has lessened. However, I have noticeable weakness in my left thigh muscle that persists. Gotta be careful walking as my leg will suddenly buckle under me. Nearly fell in my hallway the other day. Luckily I was able to catch myself against the wall. Hope to get some answers soon.

Have been shaving sporadically, just whenever I feel like I can safely stand long enough. Pretty much sticking to TOBS "Lime Zest" cream (quick, easy lather), my Paladin "Marley", Gillette Super Speed and Shulton Old Spice "Fresh Lime" AS.
3 September, 2024

Hello everyone! Hope you had a pleasant evening.

Getting "Gothy" with it this morning with a couple from Texas based Dark Wave rockers, Twin Tribes. Hope you enjoy.

A pleasant shave this morning. Kind of paring down my products with the ongoing back issues. Used the same ones listed in the above post. Great scent and lather from the TOBS "Lime Zest" cream built with the Paladin "Marley". Two passes with the Gillette Super Speed and I finished with vintage Shulton Old Spice "Fresh Lime" ASL and "Old Spice" cologne

The "Happy Hogan" Homefront Report: Back at work. We'll see if I can make it through. So far I'm feeling okay except for the left thigh muscle. Almost fell again. Should have some answers Thursday.

Hope you have a great day. :)
Oooph, catching up. Hope they find something that works for you.
4 September, 2024

Hello everyone! Hope you had a pleasant evening.

It's "Women of Rock Wednesday" and today I'm going with a couple from Gladys Knight & The Pips. Hope you enjoy.

The "Happy Hogan" Homefront Report: No shave today. Leg was feeling a bit twitchy so I skipped it. Just a shower and some AdP Colonia EdC. Leg's hurting a bit more this morning.

Hope you have a great day. :)
Sorry about the leg and foot drops Mark keep us posted. I know exactly where you’re at.
5 September, 2024

Hello everyone! Hope you had a pleasant evening.

Going with a couple today from Peter Gabriel. Hope you enjoy.

Great shave this morning. Changed things up this morning, going with TOBS "Mr. Taylor's" shave cream, Brad Sears "Gus" 28mm Select Badger Brush, 57 Gillette Red Tip, Wizamet, Lustray "Blue Spice" AS.

The "Happy Hogan" Homefront Report: Follow-up appointment today at 2:40. A little more discomfort last night and this morning in the leg. Managed to get a quick shave in though.

Hope you have a great day. :)
Just getting back from my appointment. Doc wants to take a "wait and see" approach for the time being. We reviewed the MRI and he said he didn’t see anything that overly concerned him. He did see some age-related degeneration (>50yo?? You know what I mean, right?) and he did see something at L5-S1 that he wants to keep an eye on. If it continues to bother me or if the thigh muscle weakness gets worse or fails to resolve on its own he said he could try an injection. He wants to see me back in a month.
Have you seen a physiotherapist Mark? I know it's all individual, but there are some things I do to help keep the back pain at bay.