6 September, 2024
Hello everyone! Hope you had a pleasant evening.
Closing out the workweek with a couple of Van Halen classics. Hope you enjoy.
Great shave this morning. Returned to the setup I've been using of late; TOBS Lime Zest, Paladin, Super Speed, Shulton "Fresh Lime" and Old Spice EdC
The "Happy Hogan" Homefront Report: Not much to report. Not the best night's sleep but I'll make ie.
Hope you have a great day.
Hello everyone! Hope you had a pleasant evening.
Closing out the workweek with a couple of Van Halen classics. Hope you enjoy.
Great shave this morning. Returned to the setup I've been using of late; TOBS Lime Zest, Paladin, Super Speed, Shulton "Fresh Lime" and Old Spice EdC
The "Happy Hogan" Homefront Report: Not much to report. Not the best night's sleep but I'll make ie.
Hope you have a great day.