The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Doc’s mad rabbit hole journey.

6th shave for one blade February is in the books from last night and today is Day 4 of this dang headache but it does seem less intense today.

Here's to hoping a praying that the headache is on the downswing and that you get some relief today!
Dang TJ, I can't image a headache lasting that long. I think I'd just be in bed at that point.
Last 5-6 shaves were Fatip w/ Rubie for one blade February.

Havent posted much because me and the oldest were finishing these

Mine is on the right
I remember doing one of those in Cub Scouts a million years ago. Mine wasn't all that successful. But those look boss! I hope they perform well!
Thanks for the shaving update TJ! And like Dave said...hope you and the Family are strong!
Well I have been insanely busy as of late and as a result you guys saw less and less of me. I am still busy but had a bit of time to slow down today and felt like I should give you all an update as to what I have had going on. If you get easily offended by religion and personal posts then stop reading this now I will not apologize if you get butt hurt over my journal.

Many of you that follow my journal know my stepmom had begun her battle with cancer and I hate that disease! Her official diagnosis is Endometrial Ovarian cancer stage 2b and the surgery by the grace of my God was successful in removing all of the cancerous tissue. Since then we fought the insurance company to get her scan that was needed to determine if more cancer in other areas and then an MRI to determine targeted chemo therapy for her exact cancer cells. God has given men a vast well of intelligence and I am thankful for every second of research that has been spent on finding cures and treatments for this disease. Chemo started this Thursday and will be 6 treatments separated by 3 weeks each. Essentially the next 18-20 weeks will be extremely long.

The pinewood derby race race for our pack was also held and even though we had fun together building the cars neither of us were able to win or place high enough to make it to the next level. Jonathan was extremely disappointed and did cry a bunch and I won’t drag the story out but needless to say his car had an accident with another car and got slower afterwards. Did this contribute to the no trophy ending idk but he thinks it could have.

The necklace I wear everyday and have worn everyday for the past 20 years broke and I finally today had decided to sell it for gold weight and replace it. Fortunately as I was on the way to do so I stopped at a jeweler and he repaired it for 10$. God is a wonderfully powerful being and I am blessed today because it is extremely sentimental to me.

Now on to the shave I got this morning. Before going to the local Barnes & Noble for the boys to do a lego kids event they sponsored.

I tried out another OZ soap sample today and I absolutely love Yellowbrick. I am actually considering buying the full tub of this one!

Oh and let’s not forget to give credit again to this years Rudolph buddy. Chris (GearNoir) you hit the nail square on the head with this Special Edition Fatip Piccolo. I absolutely love and I mean LOVE this thing!!

Thanks for reading folks and thanks for the thoughts and prayers. Prayers and God’s blessings to each of you my family of friends!