The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Doc’s mad rabbit hole journey.

Got my $$$$$ store razor today in the mail. Looks like I know what at least one part of my hardware is gonna be

Did you get the deluxe version? I don’t remember it having that many $
Last couple of shaves pictures. It’s the pits trying to live through this dollar tree shave challenge. Lots still going on here but broke off from everything else to start working on Jonathan and my Derby cars. His is a by the book build but mine we do a no rules adult race.

The cars

Mine is on the left his on the right
1/29/19. I lost count somewhere but will fix it soon.

Kate was calling and I needed a pick me up kinda shave. Ogallala Bay Rum, Limes, and Peppercorns soap and splash software. With the exception of the West Indies splash I have it is the only Bay Rum scent I actually enjoy. Most are too spicy and weird scented for me but the lime and peppercorns rial it down to enjoyable. The soap is a middle Tier 2 on Chad’s scale for me but I like it and I expect Tier 2 so it’s all good.

Kate and my Cobalt PK-47 Paladin Select Badger rounded out the hardware and a Schick P30 Blade was the sharp part.


Still dealing with a few family things so not much time but updates will come as soon as I am able. Thanks for reading and your thoughts and prayers during these past weeks. Prayers and God’s blessings to each of you!
Nice bounce back from the Dollar Razor Challenge TJ!

Don't feel like you need to rush back here. Take care of your family. We'll all be here when you’re ready. ?
I really must reevaluate my soaps. This one surprised me tonight. Top 2 shaves ever as far as the end result goes I am smooth enough I might not get a stubble noticeably until 5 pm Thursday!
1/31/19. DE:20, SE:5, SR:0

Ok Well first let me SOTD

6c plate 5 Rubie and the Sorrentino Legacy brush. Tombstone set. Wonderful BBS+ shave.

Kids and wife wife have been off and on fighting colds and minor ailments so been being Dad and Husband has most of my time at home wrapped. My Papaw’s sister passed away and the respectful thing to attend to be family was pressing on me as Papaw delivered her eulogy. I was never that close with her as my lifestyle and hers were never going to cross in any similarities. The really heavy dose of kicked in the stomach is the serious nature of the situation with my stepmom. They succeeded in removing a 15-16 cm mass along with the entirety of her reproductive system that could be removed. The large mass was on her ovary and originally was diagnosed as ovarian cancer pre-surgery. At the follow up visit the doctor had the pathology results and it was not ovarian cancer. Her cancer is endometrial cancer. This is encouraging news as the survival rate is much higher and the cancer is more treatable. The still unknown is what the spots in her liver and adrenal glands are. A PET CT is scheduled for tomorrow but the insurance company has denied prior approval at this point so praying that the appeal hits the right person’s desk before go time tomorrow. Following the PET scan they will determine if further biopsies are needed and then begin treatment plan with at minimum chemo due to the cancer being known malignant. Still prayerful that treatment can be done successfully and she has a full recovery.

Sorry for the long ramblings of a mad Doctor. Thanks for reading and your continued thoughts and support. Prayers and God’s blessings to each of you my brothers and sisters of the blade and brush!
Sorry for your loss TJ. Sounds like you have a ton going on. Hope the wife and kiddos get over the colds. There’s something g going around in my house now too. That’s very encouraging news about your step mother. Hopefully the insurance issue gets sorted out ASAP. Continuing to send good vibes brother!