The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Doc’s mad rabbit hole journey.

Sorry brother. Seems like the hits just keep coming over there.
Ugh ... I hope I never have to deal with the shingles. Listen I get the drop out. Not worth the trouble in the bed for a soap that is just OK (in my opinion) and looks like you went to one of the Elite with the Declaration Grooming.

Ok Dave now I feel I have to defend my why Paladin has become the official Brush of Sharps.
Ugh ... I hope I never have to deal with the Singles. Listen I get the drop out. Not worth the trouble in the bed for a soap that is just OK (in my opinion) and looks like you went to one of the Elite with the Declaration Grooming.\n\nOk Dave now I feel I have to defend my why Paladin has become the official Brush of Sharps.
\nSoapbox is open and you have the floor brother, explain away ?
Ugh ... I hope I never have to deal with the shingles. Listen I get the drop out. Not worth the trouble in the bed for a soap that is just OK (in my opinion) and looks like you went to one of the Elite with the Declaration Grooming.\n\nOk Dave now I feel I have to defend my why Paladin has become the official Brush of Sharps.
\n\nIt’s ok Sharps Paladin brushes are great I own one but I prefer my Sorrentino’s. But I am interested in the defense of why you went Paladin almost completely?
I honestly am not pro any brush. Love my Paladins and my Sorrentino's (still waiting for my orange one Eric ?) and my RV and my Brad Sears and the one coming from Josh. Equal opportunities here ?
The vintage Ever-Ready Kyle made for me and PIFed me back with a Maggard's two band is a very entertaining. It is my travel knot. I love many brushes as well. I just made an executive decision to keep them all under one house.

TJ the explanation is way too long to clog up your thread. So those that don't mind waisting 3 minutes of their life they will never get back can go to the following link.
1/10/19. (DE:7, SE:3, SR:0)

Short Entry

Epiphany shave of sorts. My technique could have been wrong for a while. Slowed down and realized that I could have had a too shallow angle for a long time.

Thanks for reading. Prayers and God’s blessings to each of you!
1/10/19. (DE:7, SE:3, SR:0)

Short Entry

Epiphany shave of sorts. My technique could have been wrong for a while. Slowed down and realized that I could have had a too shallow angle for a long time.

Thanks for reading. Prayers and God’s blessings to each of you!

So you went a little steeper? What were the differences? Smoother? Less irritation? We need to know!!!!! Lol
I dunno TJ, I think I would still suggest shaving with the blade INSIDE the razor.
So you went a little steeper? What were the differences? Smoother? Less irritation? We need to know!!!!! Lol

A lot steeper and it was easier to control the pressure. BBS was effortless and the razor seemed to just flow. I am wondering if I was to make the angle steeper on all my razors would I get even better results. more testing and trials are definitely a must. I haven't been having much irritation and have been getting DFS+ most of the time but just stumbled into this last night.
A lot steeper and it was easier to control the pressure. BBS was effortless and the razor seemed to just flow. I am wondering if I was to make the angle steeper on all my razors would I get even better results. more testing and trials are definitely a must. I haven't been having much irritation and have been getting DFS+ most of the time but just stumbled into this last night.

interesting. I go pretty shallow usually and always feel like I’m not close enough. Especially on my neck. But I’ve heard that a steep angle can make for a lot of irritation.
1/11/19. DE:8, SE:3, SR:0

steeper angle does not work with the Variant.

DFS after trying the steeper angle on setting 4 in the razor.


1/12/19. DE:9, SE:3, SR:0

Well the Fatip with the SB plate the steeper angle works. Tilting the cap closer to the skin makes for an easier and smoother BBS shave than the angle more shallow.


That shave preceded me and SWMBO having a kid free night before we go see a long time friend preach tomorrow. This was our date night selfie

Thanks for reading folks. Prayers and God’s blessings to each of you today and always.
I feel like your definition of steep and mine are flipped. for me a steeper angle means the blade is closer to a 90 degree angle with my face. I have no idea which way others mean it now lol.

Enjoy the date night!
Good shaves TJ! Still sending prayers your way for the family. Bummer about the shingles. I’ve heard they are rough. My mom and stepdad have both had them. I’ve never had chicken pox, so I stay away when they have them.