The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Doc’s mad rabbit hole journey.

1/6/19. (DE:5, SE:1, SR:0)

Rockwell 6c 5plate/ ????????
Stirling Tuxedo
Osage and Avon Island Lime.

Well after spending the morning in church and having This for lunch

Our dishwasher decided to come apart. Well we had to spend the sum of 3 tubs of Panna Crema and 2 soap/splash combos from SV to replace the dishwasher locally. Finally got it installed then shaved for tonight and followed the GTB I am 3017/-ing with Osage Rub and Island Lime as the boss lady wanted to smell something different than GTB. First pictures Are after the dishwasher is replaced. Then SOTD, then Everything else.

Thanks for reading folks! Prayers and God’s blessings to each of you my brothers.
Glad you solved the dishwasher problem! Hopefully one less thing to worry about now for a while. Blessings to you!
Not as fun as a Lay Z Boy, but new stuff is always great.
Not as fun as a Lay Z Boy, but new stuff is always great.

At least it is shiny and has blinky lights.....I like blinky lights!
TJ, I'm sorry to hear about your stepmom's cancer. Recently, a friend's wife had surgery and chemo for ovarian cancer, and she is in remission and recovering nicely. Chemo sucks, it is an endurance test to those receiving it. It helps to take it one day at a time. Your stepmom and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers.
1/7/19. (DE:5, SE:2, SR:0)

Shave 6 of the TSC group 3017 CFG soap.

GTB is still awesome
Finished with Fine Fresh Vetiver splash
GEM MMCP DE reconditioned edition (Watson)
Paladin PK-47 cobalt

No idea how many shaves this Blade has on it and until it quits getting me this good of a BBS it can stay!


Thanks for the prayers and thoughts for my family. Thanks for reading. Prayers and God’s blessings to each of you!
1/7/19. (DE:5, SE:2, SR:0)

Shave 6 of the TSC group 3017 CFG soap.

GTB is still awesome
Finished with Fine Fresh Vetiver splash
GEM MMCP DE reconditioned edition (Watson)
Paladin PK-47 cobalt

No idea how many shaves this Blade has on it and until it quits getting me this good of a BBS it can stay!


Thanks for the prayers and thoughts for my family. Thanks for reading. Prayers and God’s blessings to each of you!

Love the look of Gem.

Still praying for you all.
1/8/19. DE:6, SE:2, SR:0

3017 CFG shave 7

Sorrentino Padauk Cashmere
DE “Ghosttown” Fatboy
Tallow and Steel West Indies

Well last night I almost spoiled myself again with the GEM. Gosh I love those things. (I know NurseDave why shave with a paint scraper). Anyway tonight I decided after a bit of conversation with another knife enthusiast that I would share a few of my favorite knives in my collection as part of my SOTD photos.

Tonight its my VanReenan Custom 2 blade trapper That is all hand forged CM154 SS with hand dyed giraffe bone scales.

Dialed the Fatboy down to 4 tonight and gave it a run.
I love knives and making them sharp and pride myself on how they cut afterwards at least for my tastes. Haven’t yet taken the leap for a set of razor stones though. That is a goal of mine for one day. I seriously hope you guys enjoy the pictures of the knives as much as I enjoy collecting, carrying, and using them.

Thanks for reading folks. Prayers and God’s blessings to each of you!
I grab a knife here and there if a good deal can be had. They’re fun to collect, particularly a decent pocket/clip one, and they’re a practical tool.

One of the nicest I have is a Leatherman Wave the missus got for me many anniversaries ago.

Thanks for sharing!
TJ was a tad bit behind again due to personal illness. Read the update on your stepmom. Prayers for her, the family, and the doctors. I hope she makes a full recovery.
1/9/19. (DE:7, SE:2, SR:0)

Accepting defeat (failure) at the 3017 was easily done as my wife said it could be blamed on her wanting to smell something different every night. I think that if I was sure a soap could be done in 3 weeks as long as I had 2 cheat shaves each week then I possibly could get through one. I am figuring that the CFG soaps from new the weight was 168g and I was guessing the tub was in the 75g range would take me 50 days on a rough guess due to 1.5g of soap used per use. Couldn’t justify that in my mind. So I made a decision and with “Daddy’s” blessing stopped the 3017.

Tonight I was jonesing on a DG Icarus soap so I called on Shore. Whipped suds with the Sorrentino Macassar Ebony Manchurian High Mountain White Badger. Rockwell’s Model T removed all the stubble for a 3 pass BBS shave that was effortless on setting 5. Now without fail I end up saying too much so for 24$ this knot is softer on the face than any other brush I own (yes Dave in KY even softer than my Paladin). I am a one Paladin in my den is enough guy unless I see a handle that just screams at me. Sorrentino’s brushes on the other hand I am really digging! The craftsmanship and quality of them rivals every other brush maker in the world! These are the brushes in my stable that all others are measured by and 80% plus of the rest fall a bit short in my opinion.


Thanks for reading folks and thanks for the prayers for my family. Found out that even in the mix of all that is going on my dad has contracted shingles. Those things suck! I had them in high school and they hurt worse than most things I have ever felt.

Prayers and God’s blessings to each of you. Hopefully you all have a super day today and I may try to get a vlog in sometime in the next 5-6 days.
Daddy, approves of this shave and post. About the Paladins, How did I get a reputation of pushing them compared to other makers, any makers? I have fewer than Jim and KJ. Glad you got a good shave in. Yes shingles stink, my 80 year old dad is at week 5 dealing with it and it has been miserable on top of all the other health issues he has. Hang in there
Well that 3017 didn't last long.?

Shingles can be aggregated by stress. I have a feeling that there is plenty of stress in his live right now. Praying.