The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Doc’s mad rabbit hole journey.

So sorry TJ. That is obviously terrible news that shakes the family to the core. Prayers and thoughts for you. You know the whole cadre is here for you brother.
Sorry to hear about your stepmother TJ, that’s heartbreaking news. Definitely in my prayers.
Sorry to hear that TJ. Try and stay positive. Will pray for your stepmother and family.
Nice Pics TJ. I am very sorry to hear about your stepmom. I will keep her in my prayers and hope for a favorable outcome. It's really hard to hear and understand issues like these. Praying for you and your family also.

Did you miss me posting here? I sure missed the heck out of it this week. 5 full days of growth sucks goose eggs. But a quick hitter post because it’s late and I still have 1.5 days of work this week.

what takes away huge amounts of growth and pairs well with a superb scent that just makes you all manly and heroic?

A sorrentino boar brush and full bore GTB action with the GhostTown Fatboy handling the business!

Thanks for reading and praying for our family. Prayers and God’s blessings to each of you my brothers and sisters!

Did you miss me posting here? I sure missed the heck out of it this week. 5 full days of growth sucks goose eggs. But a quick hitter post because it’s late and I still have 1.5 days of work this week.

what takes away huge amounts of growth and pairs well with a superb scent that just makes you all manly and heroic?

A sorrentino boar brush and full bore GTB action with the GhostTown Fatboy handling the business!

Thanks for reading and praying for our family. Prayers and God’s blessings to each of you my brothers and sisters!

I thought for sure I’d see Kate pop up, but this works too! Almost there buddy, hang in there!
I expected that mean looking shavette that you shouldn’t be allowed to operate while drowsy

I came to a realization the last few years that I really believe in making the most of my time on this earth. After work yesterday we as a family went to my mother’s house for a family gathering for Christmas. My grandparents were there, my aunt, brothers, nephews, and we just simply had a fantastic afternoon/evening spending time making memories together. Christmas for society seems at best to have taken on a meaning that is vastly different than the true Christmas. Please my friends cherish those you love and don’t take them for granted because the time we all have here on earth is limited in its nature and scope.

The shave was a time of reflection as well. What makes us enjoy this hobby? Soap that is a peak top performer, Razors that are beautiful and manly looking, brushes that are made with logos/insignias that remind us of a group of friends that share this hobby, the minutes of solitude we get as our days are sometimes rushed and lost in the shuffle of stress. That is how my shave was today. The high performing soap (WWSC Van Helsing), the razor (my Bespoke Damascus shavette), and the brush that gives me good memories (TSC Legacy Sorrentino Tuxedo). My friends I do genuinely care and love each and every one of you.

My stepmom goes for pre-op appointment on the 27th of this month and then the first and possibly only surgery is the 4th of January. From all information I know it is believed to 95% sure be ovarian cancer but we still have a 5% chance it’s something else. Thank you again for your kind thoughts and prayers as God answers prayers in many different ways but you don’t get any answer if you don’t ask.

Thanks for reading and commenting folks! Prayers and God’s blessings to each of you this Sunday.
Really nice post TJ. I agree, enjoy every moment and take advantage of every opportunity to spend time with those you care about. I tell my wife every year that the best Christmas gift I receive is being able to continue the tradition of hosting Christmas dinner. Growing up it was always at my parents house and 4 years ago it was passed down to me. Just being able to spend time with everyone is the thing I look forward to the most.

Sending good vibes to you and your family, and hoping for the best.