The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Doc’s mad rabbit hole journey.

That Model T is a beautiful razor. Any word on how the Kickstarter is going? Does it look it might become a full production item?

Snow is pretty rare where you’re at isn’t it!?! Be careful out there! Hopefully it doesn’t your Winter Festival!

Nice easy BBS shave tonight

For some reason even though all these stellar artisan soaps that I could want now. I have an insane desire to purchase more Fine Accouterments soaps. They perform really well for me but don’t have many of the Elite soap characteristics but do everything a shave soap should well.

The snow lasted about half a day today and we were able to go to our church winter festival. It was an excellent time of fellowship with friends and all the little ones playing games. The little ones got baths and then we hung out a small amount while we were waiting for bed time. Looks like this week may be another super busy week gents so I may be intermittent at best for a bit. You guys are awesome buddies!

Thanks for reading and following along on my insane journey to the abyss of traditional wet shaving. Prayers and God’s blessings to each of you!
Nice shave TJ! I need to pick up some Fine, there are a few scents that I see people rave about consistently.

Glad the snow wasn’t too bad and you were able to make it to the Winter Festival. Sounds like it was a success!

Vendor/Hobbyist appreciation tribute!!!!!

Sorrentino Padauk Cashmere
LNHC Doc Holiday soap/post elixir and beard balm
Rockwell 6c R5 plate / Rubie (I have no earthly idea how many but it’s on the north side of 15)

BBS is my absolutely fantastic result from 3 pass (WTG, Mod ATG, ATG) and a tiny amount of cleanup that I attribute to the blade just about on its last.


Yes ladies and gents the RAD for modern razors has almost been broken. This razor, the Variant, and the Model T fixed the adjustable DE itch. Kate (Asylum RX) fixed my SE itch. The Bespoke Damascus fixed the shavette itch. Now I have one or two open comb razors I’ve been eyeballing just haven’t felt inclined to jump on one yet.

Now for some small amount of the getting to know each other part of the forum and journal section that I love from each of your entries.

Once when I was a young tot (4-6) my maternal Grandfather (papaw from here out) took me fishing as we tended to do for a bunch of the 2-3 weeks I would spend with him in the summer. The game & fisheries officers were doing boat checks that day just making sure folks were following the rules. Well we had been checked by a couple of them earlier in the day and after lunch we had caught a few bream and a couple decently filet-able catfish. Another officer patrolled past us and asked if we had been checked that day papaw said we had but he was welcome to check us again. The officer said it wasn’t necessary for him to look personally but if we had any nice ones he would love to check them out. Papaw I must say at this point is a very Christ centered man of faith and I had never to this point heard him even raise his voice to anyone. Papaw reaches into the live well and grabs the 4-5 lb catfish he had caught and it apparently relieved itself. Papaw flopped it out onto the cooler wher the measuring stick was and looked right at the officer and said “ Look I don’t even know my own strength I done squeezed the S”@! out of this one”. Needless to say awe and confusion were stuck to my face and the officer and papaw had a great laugh.

Thanks for reading folks! Prayers and God’s blessings to each of you my brothers and sisters!
It is really awesome that both of my boys actually know both him and my maternal grandmother. At one time before 9/1/17 my boys had 3 biological great grands living and one great grand step parent.
Love the story TJ!

As far as your RAD what I hear you say is that six to eight razors fixed your RAD?
Good stuff TJ. I treasured the time with my Great Grandparents. And I am so thankful that my kids know 3 of their great grandparents. Those relationships are so precious.

Shaving Cadre PiF shave

This shave is brought to you by Dangerousdon and his generous losers prize from the college football pickem.

Dapper Dragon Green Dragon soap

also by the Ikon head and the Florida water I received in dkeester PiF from November.

Sorrentino High Mountain White

Got an absolutely wonderful shave thanks again folks for the generous PIFs.

Now friends I am in need of your kind thoughts and encouragement and prayers once again. I received news today that my stepmom has a 95% certain diagnosis of ovarian cancer. No real information as to how advanced it is or how treatable it may be but from my knowledge and understanding that better than 50% of women diagnosed with ovarian cancers pass away within 5 years. Needless to say tears are currently running as I type.

Thanks for reading folks. Prayers and God’s blessings to each of you.