The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Doc’s mad rabbit hole journey.

Oh man, I remember this from last year. The fly-by posts during harvest when I think all the farm work is over for the year. Hope you're getting a breather from time to time brother.
It is good.... just not well balanced. Too heavy on the currant. Smells great, I just wish some of the other notes came through.

i get currant and leather in mine and then the spray cologne hits a bit more smoke and rose or some sort of floral my nose can’t tell flowers apart

Had a bit of time today after work to slow down and enjoy a much needed break thanks to the rain!

Took full advantage of my time and swung for the big fences!

Asylum Vetiver Bourbon soap/splash
Brass Colonial General / Pro super
Sorrentino Manchurian High Mountain White
Creed Original Vetiver frag

Wow SWMBO said and I quote “is there a shave closer than BBS? If so you got it!”

One of my long time customers passed away this week and I am quite saddened by the news. Other than that I got a new boss at work who seems to be a bit more in my corner than the last one. The other one is still with the company he has just been relegated to his own department. I still run the parts side of things there is just a new middle man so to speak in between me and the owners.

Have a wonderful and and blessed weekend folks! Thanks for reading. Prayers and God’s blessings to each of you today and always.

Have been keeping up for up for the most part with the forum just may not be commenting as much on journals for the past couple and the next few weeks.
Another loss for the Cadre this week, sorry to hear!

Great that you have a good start with your new boss. I hope it eases things at work a bit.
Great stuff, TJ. I've really liked all the Asylum scents that I've tried so far, and the soap is a fantastic performer.
I used the vetiver bourbon today. Great stuff. Sorry about the news on a longtime customer, I sure they probably hit friend status if you knew them long enough.
Another quick hit entry tonight and then bingo starts tomorrow

That was the last two shaves and hopefully things will really slow down soon so I can get back to some sort of normal routine

Thanks for reading folks! Prayers and God’s blessings to each of you!
Work today off for two days but on call and then work half a day Saturday. Got a nice shave in last night though.

Kate with a new feather pro
Sorrentino Padauk Cashmere
A&E Vetiver Magnifique soap/splash
Creed Original Vetiver frag

Now for a bit of thankfulness. The new mattress we purchased has been providing really deep and restorative sleep!hogei du

Thanks for reading! I promise that I have been at least reading every post here and on the forum but may not have time to comment. Prayers and God’s blessings to each of you folks. Have a happy happy Thanksgiving full of blessings and joyful fellowship with family and friends!

That's a top notch shave brother. Glad your snoozing has been better!
I awoke this morning to realize that we are “halfway between Earth’s central horizon and Santa Claus” here in eastern NC. Happy Thanksgiving ladies and gentlemen!
I know you have been busy TJ but I appreciate you taking the time and letting us know what is going on in life! Enjoy the time off that you have and hopefully all the extra hours translates into mulah!

Happy Thanksgiving! And give your family a "Happy Thanksgiving" shout out from the Cadre!