The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Doc’s mad rabbit hole journey.

Dude, have you seen a cherub?
There’s stereotypes to live up to.

Seriously though, good for you in showing restraint in such things!

Not exactly the description of Cherubim i have but ok

Happy Birthday USMC!

Well I received the Colonial General pass around today and I need to warn all readers that may be consuming beverages for the next part prior to reading this do not have anything in your mouth. I also need to add a disclaimer that my wife is extremely sarcastic!

Box delivered to mailbox!

SWMBO text message
”baby are you and Dave from KY in a relationship”
“he sent you another box today and that means he has spent x $ on shipping and that is more than I’ve spen on you this year”
”That Dave is a super generous guy that has no issues sharing the joys of expensive and sometimes inexpensive hard to find items”
”Sugar Daddy?, Can we share?”

Ok now once you all finish wiping screens off and clearing tears from your eyes you can finish reading about my shave.

Colonial Brass General / Schick P-30
Sorrentino Maple Tuxedo
Proraso SB Cypress & Vetiver
A&E Vetiver Magnifique splash


DFS after three passes and the first shave was way way more mild than I was expecting. The razor also has a bit of slippery feel to it but it is manageable. Not really ready to give it a full review but it isn’t Kate for sure!

Thanks for reading folks and have a great day tomorrow! Prayers and God’s blessings to each of you my friends.
Ha!!! That’s the best. And now that she mentions it....
Lmfao! That is classic. Good stuff. ?

I forget...what does Schick P-30 “equate” to in Feather AC?
That's too funny !! I need to figure out what she'd like but tell her she never posts here......? And actually that was from Josh !
Lmfao! That is classic. Good stuff.

I forget...what does Schick P-30 “equate” to in Feather AC?

For me it is in like a Feather Pro and a Kai Titan. It is similar to both of them as far as sharpness and it is every bit as durable. Plus the advantage to them is there are 30 per tuck for about the same cost as the others.
That is way too funny! And I guess today (or yesterday) is the day to post funny anecdotes about our wives. I just posted one in my journal also! Nice shave and I know the General isn't as aggressive as you like, which makes me nervous for my time with it because I thought the General was notorious for being aggressive!
Took the General for a new spa n with a Pro Super Feather. Much better shave!

I did did make an attempt at mixing my aftershave with the PdP beard oil. It left my skin really hydrated and felt good but had little to no scent.

Wick entry for tonight as I have to go to work tomorrow for about 1/2 day. Hopefully I can score a bit for my Rudolph buddy and get some stuff done after that. Not sure though as my Dad is coming for a visit Sunday.

Thanks for reading folks. Prayers and God’s blessings to each of you my friends!
Been super busy the last couple of days!

quick catch up of last two shaves

Both were really nice. Almost done with the General so should be getting it out soon to the next man. And Chris of the Noir variety I should get that other box out this week.

Great visit with my Pop Sunday and really need to get better about seeing him. We talk with some regularity but rarely see each other as we like 120 miles apart and both lead relatively busy lives.

more to come later after tonight’s shave!
Great update TJ! No worries on the box, just do whatever’s convenient; I’m blessed just to receive it.

Glad you got to spend time with your Pop. I don’t get to see mine all that often either. I really should try to more, now that he’s well into his 90s.
Gonna leave this here and crash,

Thanks for reading folks, have a great day tomorrow! Prayers and God’s blessings to each of you.