The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Doc’s mad rabbit hole journey.


Halloween and the last day for Razorocktober.

Rockwell 6c (mine now) R5 plate Rubie
What the Puck Green Lime Burst
Sorrentino High Mountain White
Avon Island Lime splash.


I almost didn’t use this setup and opted for another of my WWSC new soaps. But this one has been calling my name and it was Razorocktober.

Me and the oldest boy boy finally got around to carving a punkin. He drew what he wanted on it and I cut his lines out and lit the candle.

Thanks for reading folks sorry such a short entry I am a bit whipped from today. Prayers and God’s blessings to each of you!
Awesome shaves and love hearing about your family! These are the times you will remember the most!
Great read and nice pumpkin. BUT I feel you missed something!

Crazy how that keeps coming up generation after generation. Although I assume it wasn't an issue with KJ. He was probably disappointed to find there really wasn't anything under there.

The try a new soap scent and the last test of the 6c R5 plate.

Rockwell 6c R5 plate/ Rubie
TSC Legacy Sorrentino
WWSC Wyatt Earp


Playing around a bit with some photo filters and I kinda like this one.

Wonderfully close smooth shave again and the results are about as I was expecting with this plate.

Today started my 3 weeks of being on call for cotton harvest and I will be thankful when it is over. Assembly of our fire pit is gonna happen today as well and maybe we can have us a family fire night.

sorry for the short post. Thanks for reading folks and commenting. Prayers and God’s blessings to each of you my friends!
I’m thinking about having a bonfire tonight too. I’ve got s’mores stuff ready for the kids.
I hope your on-call over these weeks isn’t too stressful!

Fire pit sounds like a good time!
Gas or wood fire pit there brother?
I’m thinking about having a bonfire tonight too. I’ve got s’mores stuff ready for the kids.
I hope your on-call over these weeks isn’t too stressful!

Fire pit sounds like a good time!

Wood fire pit and s’mores is a must. I too hope th on call stuff is uneventful but it is about 180$ minimum extra cash for Christmas so it is hard to complain.
I prefer natural wood fire but now roofed the deck it's on and going to screen it. Gas would be cleaner and easier to control the flame height. Internet has videos of people converting and looks easy

That would make sense. I much prefer wood but if I had a roof on the deck it would seem gas to be safer.