The Shaving Cadre

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Doc’s mad rabbit hole journey.


Wow what a long day. 7:00am to 6:30pm then new mattress and lamp were here so I removed old lamp and set up new one! Help SWMBO put clean sheets on the bed and then baked brownies for tomorrow at church. Also the missus picked a different fabric for the new chair that will fit more in the range I am willing to cough up for a recliner. Have been giving tons of thought to many things but most impressed at the moment that God has given my baby boy 3 pounds more backside! Anyone that had followed along at the other place may or may not have known he has had an extremely difficult time gaining weight and with growth development. So needless to say 3 pounds is a huge deal! My oldest son 7yrs old and in Second grade read and passed a metered test with a 100 on a 4th or 5th grade level. He is a bit of a gem intellectually speaking.

Now the shave i’ve been thinking about that question of if I could only have one on a desert island and I was coming back to my den later at some point!

Kate with idk what blade and no earthly idea how many shaves on it
SV Opuntia soap and splash
Sorrentino “outdid himself” Manchurian High Mountain White brush
Creed Aventus frag


BBS and some with 3 passes no cleanup! Kate bit me just a tad but it was punishment for not taking her out once in a while.

Thanks for reading and commenting folks! Hope you have a good day tomorrow. Prayers and God’s blessings to each of you!
Awesome shave TJ. The blessings appear to be flowing for you this week! Huge, great news about your boys!
Great news on your son! Sometimes it just needs to take a little time! Now...get some well deserved rest on the new mattress!
Good stuff all around brother. I just ordered that AS so I should be duplicating that exact shave soon!
Not quite accustomed to the new mattress yet but tonight could bring a video entry rather than my traditional post in my journal. Did not shave last night as i was whipped after work and then serving and cleaning up after our weekly church supper. My study class was the feeding group that was responsible for the meal this week.

Sorrentino Marblewood Boar
CBL Ghost Lime soap
Bespoke Damascus shavette
Avon Island Lime aftershave


Wow just simply wow!

DSBBS as my blade brother would say! And my goodness this Avon splash is Heavenly lime scented and man oh man does it have a fantastic face feel after!

My mom’s birthday is tomorrow and I am going to surprise her with supper and hang out with her for a bit! Was going to video tonight’s shave but had forgotten about a doctor appointment and by the time I got out of that and picked up my baby boy and supper it was about all I wanted to try and accomplish just getting a Str8 shave in.

Thanks for reading folks! Prayers and God’s blessings to each of you!