The Shaving Cadre

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Doc’s mad rabbit hole journey.

Someone tell Dave's wife he's goofing off!
Hahahaha, dragged the chromebook out to the sop. I have made a tiny amount of progress........................I kep checking to see if there's interest on my Delta Echo Slim up for sale elsewhere. I spied another brush I'm wanting
Dave's wife and mine must be friends. Last time we went to ”look"at vehicles, she came home with a Toyota 4Runner Trail 4x4

Well what a day. Found out the actual price of the mattress and lamp. Also was told that the fabric I chose for my chair was going to cost 250$ more than the color that he had in stock. I decided to hold that order until I can ride back over to the store and look at my other options. The mattress should be delivered next week sometime and I can not wait to actually hopefully get some decent sleep and not wake up with muscle soreness in my neck.

Today’s shave I dedicate to NurseDave.


GEM MMOC for OC-tober
LNHC DocHoliday soap
Osage Rub post 1
B&M 42 post 2

Thanks for reading folks have a Terrific Tuesday tomorrow! Prayers and God’s blessings to each of you!
That is an eclectic sounding software set up lol. Now you've got me curious.

DocHoliday is a scent Lisa created with inspiration from an idea I had. Note it does not match the two splashes but they both are excellent and after blending them a bit it did compliment the soap well enough.
DocHoliday is a scent Lisa created with inspiration from an idea I had. Note it does not match the two splashes but they both are excellent and after blending them a bit it did compliment the soap well enough.
Allow me to translate. I was tired as a dog goin' after a bone all day, and just grabbed what was close.

Testing all sorts of things night!

Received a package containing the loaner Rockwell 6c tonight and first impressions of looks it IMHO is way sexier than the 6s. Weight difference is not noticeable to me even though Rockwell says it is lighter. Packaging is indicative of the half the price retail but quality is not even questionable it feels as well made as it’s stainless counterpart. Being fair I will reserve the rest for the full review. Also full disclosure I skipped plates 1-3 as I felt they would yield equally as bad of a shave as the 6s 1-3 did.

For comparison purposes I loaded an Astra SS which for me is equivalent to the Treet Platinum I began the 6s testing with to have a milder start with the unknown razor.

Today’s setup

Rockwell 6c R4 plate / Astra SS new
Sorrentino Padauk Cashmere
WK dm formula Agrumi en Estate sample (KJ I believe sent this one)
SC Respect Balm
Razorock EO of Lime splash.

3 passes and some water only cleanup and I was easily DFS+ from 2 days growth. I’m extremely impressed by the efficiency of these razors every time I use them.

The soap was a stellar performance but I am not convinced on the scent from this sample it was almost sickly sweet fruity. Not like a nice citrusy lemon or lime it almost went Mango or Papaya sweet to me. Nothing else I could smell in it.

Thanks for reading my friends! Prayers and God’s blessings to each of you folks!
Thanks Dave! With you back posting again I have to up my SOTD photo game.
