The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Doc’s mad rabbit hole journey.

Hope you have some nice quiet time and sorry to hear about the health issues. Hope they get things corrected and leveled off. I have parents getting older and dealing with things you never hoped to see them go thru too. It's hard. Hang in there !!

Razorock-tober 3

Shave 3 for Razorock-tober and it was a date night shave.

RR Emperor soap and splash
Sorrentino maple tuxedo
Ghosttown Fatboy/ Rubie (15)

All I’m gonna day about the shave is BBSDS. BOOM!!!

Stay home date night with NY strips and non animated television. Had an absolutely wonderful wonderful evening together. Gonna have to try and do that more often seems to build a better relationship. Not much else happened today except I started the process of putting our pool away for the winter. We also bought a new bookshelf that I will put together tomorrow and then I will put together our firepit for the deck. Now I need to get a hatchet or short handled tomahawk or camp axe to get some wood to burn. I should probably already have gotten one for camping with the scouts but most of our wood at the camp area we use is already cut.

Thanks for reading and commenting folks your friendship is extremely important to me. Hope you all had a wonderful day and that tomorrow is a blessed day of rest. Prayers and God’s blessings to each of you!
All caught up, TJ.

And what's up with RazoRock and the names they choose for their soaps? "Plague Doctor"?
Nice shaves and pics...and I have to agree...Rockwell over Karve!

Sorry to hear about your Pappaw...I will keep him in my thoughts and say a prayer for him!

Not a theme shave.


Bespoke Damascus Shavette
Sorrentino Macassar Ebony Manchurian
Icarus Contemplation soap/splash
Thayers Lavender
Nivea Balm:


Well I figured out by way of a lesson that there is a point where this razor can give you a fabulously smooth shave and be blood free but the Alum and splash will set your face ablaze. DSBBS tonight but the angle gave me a bunch of alum feedback.

Work next week then birthday parties for the oldest boys friends. Then the weekend after that is a Blackbeard festival in Bath NC, then the weekend after that is another birthday party camp out. Needless to say October is a busy month.

Thanks for the comments and for taking time out of your day to read the ramblings of a newbie. Have a wonderful day tomorrow. Prayers and God’s blessings to each of you!
BLACKBEARD FESTIVAL!!!! ARGH! My wife used to vacation at the Outer Banks (much like everyone else in that area) and fell in love with Pirate History. She can tell you EVERYTHING you want to know about almost any Pirate there is history on. We watched that show Black Sails and through the entire series she would let me know what was true and what was fiction. I have to is a bit of history that is very interesting. have to take pictures!
That razor every time I see I think how gorgeous it is. Love that steel. My wedding band was custom made by a friend out of Damascus steel.
That razor every time I see I think how gorgeous it is. Love that steel. My wedding band was custom made by a friend out of Damascus steel.

It is a very very well made piece. So well made in fact that i no longer have a desire to steal Xeno Dave's Stark or Ice Dragon.

I am naming this shave the epiphany shave. This is because I came to several epiphanies during the course of what should be a super super relaxing time.

Let me run it down for you a bit. I decided to try a sample of a soap from an excellent artisan and friend on this site that follows a theme we have going currently. I also decided to use my second favorite synthetic brush that was made by the best custom brush maker I know. Lastly I decided to use a loaner razor that I’ve been testing with a blade my wife fell in love with and made me buy 100.

Ok now the epiphanies!!

1- I now at some point am going to buy either a Rockwell 6s or 6c. If I could get this with only plates 4-6 it would be fantastic. I absolutely love this razor now but am gonna give the 6 plate a couple more shaves to make sure this one wasn’t a fluke.

2- I love CBL soaps and the performance of them can not be questioned. The problem here is that the “Tabacaveg” scent is in no way anywhere near something that should ever be used not even to was a hog in a slip stall.

3- It is possible that I now need to send my Padauk Cashmere Sorrentino brush somewhere to have a new Cashmere knot put in it because the scent of that soap is stuck there forever.

I had to get in the shower a second time to wash the funky off of me then coat my face in Osage Rub then cover it with straight Tabac aftershave just to seem presentable scent wise. The shave however was HCDSBBSG++ if that is even a thing. 2 passes and I was at BBS, hit it the third pass and could barely detect any stubble for the blade to remove, yes my friends this is I believe my Kate (Asylum RX) of the DE world.

SOTD photo

Thanks for reading and the comments are always appreciated! Have a terrific Tuesday folks. Prayers and God’s blessings to each of you!
So your not really digging the scent of that soap? Shame about the brush. Can you run it through the car wash, maybe?
TJ, The Knight of the Veg Table and the Order of TabacaVeg will allow those comments to stand as you are but a innocent Squire, but rest assured the Green Goddess will be watching....... Along with Cats armed with urinal pucks and old ladies smoking cigars.
I assume all this happened after you recovered from passing out from the smell when you opened the sample?