The Shaving Cadre

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Doc’s mad rabbit hole journey.

Well it is still a bit too early to say but the weather folks locally said this morning that a favorable turn for us had happened and the storm was impacting farther south than predicted originally. While still not great for us it is promising news.
Thinking about your family TJ. Wife and I were pretty worried watching the news and seeing people from your city evacuating.
Very nice shave and read. Hope your son's fever breaks soon, always the worst when they are sick!

I have been monitoring the storm and this one seems big. Hope all that are affected are safe.
Thinking about your family TJ. Wife and I were pretty worried watching the news and seeing people from your city evacuating.
I think that is Wilmington not Williamston but it still could be nasty. The State uses our High School for a storm shelter for coastal evacuees and hopefully we can weather this one without too long of a recovery.
Very nice shave and read. Hope your son's fever breaks soon, always the worst when they are sick!

I have been monitoring the storm and this one seems big. Hope all that are affected are safe.

It is a very big powerful beast of a storm for sure. Not sure one this big has hit in my lifetime on the East Coast anyway. For my sake I pray it moves more south still but that does not completely remove someone from the storm's path so lets pray for safety for anyone that may be effected by this one.

Speicktember 4/10

Karve “D” plate/Rubie (3)
Sorrentino Maple Tuxedo

LNHC beard oil Plaide Chloime


Hard to say after one shave but if I had to say at this point I prefer the “D” plate over he “C” plate. This Rubie blade is really nice though and I believe I will dry down really high in the DFS category.

Little guy guy went back to the Doc today and it is determined that he has a massive case of the herpes simplex virus and it has past the point of medication treatment. So we are keeping him on fever reducing meds and soft foods and liquids until he gets better. This is not a good time to have a fussy boy that isn’t sleeping. Gas, Bread, Water, and Milk have become scarce and difficult if not impossible to get at this point. And state of emergencies on local, state, and federal levels have already been declared. Best case scenario for my crew as of now is 65-85 mph winds for around 6 hours and about 8-14 inches of rain. Worst case for this storm is 170+ mph winds for same said time period and upwards of 40+ inches of rain in localized areas. This big girl ain’t no joke!!!!!

Thanks for reading and your continued thoughts and support. Have a terrific Thursday folks. Prayers and God’s blessings to each of you.
Oh man TJ that is horrible. Prayers for your family and the little guy. I hope he bounces back quickly! Not good timing for sure but these things usually never are. The cadre is praying for you.
Great Pic TJ! I really like the rustic look of it. Goes well with the Karve.

Sorry to hear about the little guy, I am sure all will be well, but I will say a prayer for him. I will also be saying a prayer for you and you family as far as the storm goes! I am not sure where you are at in relation to this storm...but as a veteran of several of the most catastrophic weather events of recent history (I had to rebuild my home a few years ago), here is my suggestion. If there is any doubt at all that you or your family's safety is in jeopardy...then get the hell out of there!'s not worth it. If nothing happens, then you can always come back to a perfect home. But if it gets really bad and you decide to stay...really bad things can happen to you loved ones. Two years ago the area I live in went through a catastrophic flood. Most people in our neighborhood decided that they would stick whatever was going to happen out. My wife and I decided to grab the dogs, some clothes, some important things, and our vehicles and get the hell out of Dodge. It was one of the best decisions We came back to a destroyed house (had five feet of water in the house), but in the end we had our vehicles, and some clothes and the dogs. Our next door neighbor Had a pregnant wife, and a little girl and he struggled to get out when things were bad. Almost everyone lost there vehicles which was a huge deal. I guess what i am trying to say is that...just be smart about things. Don't be stubborn. I see all the time on the news people are under MANDATORY evacuation orders and they decide to stay. And then things get bad and they have to be rescued.

Just be safe...I will be praying for you!
For a bit of perspective we are roughly 150 miles north of the current projected landfall of the eye of this storm. This storm is approximately 400 miles wide. We likely will see sustained tropical force winds for an extended period of time and several inches of rainfall. By no means is this good it is way better than if the storm was further north for projected landfall. The prayer for us is that it turns harder south but a hard turn north is possible as well simply put we will have realistically no idea how much we get until its over.
Finally doing a little journal reading. We'll be keeping you and yours in prayer, TJ. Keep us posted, my friend.
The outer edge rain bands have hit and we are seeing gusts around 15-20 mph. Storm is gonna be a while passing us and if I can safely I will try and get a video tomorrow when it is a bit more peaked.
Thinking of you and your family TJ! Don't do anything I would do. Slow movement means a lot of rain! Be careful of flash flooding. Stay safe and let us know you are okay when it's over. Take care of the family first!
For the most part the worst of this beast is past us. We likely will have lingering rain for several days. We are going to try and go back to our house to asses damage and such. Will check in as I can