The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Doc’s mad rabbit hole journey.

Great picture TJ!

Haven't seen the video, how was the shave?

Fair. It was smooth and comfortable but not quite DFS all over. I am going to give the “C” plate a chance a couple more shaves and then try the “D” plate. I think anything above that is way too aggressive for me.
The knurling on that razor is where it is at. Plus I think the the brass is a little more grippy than stainless. That might be in my head...but that's what I think!
Fair. It was smooth and comfortable but not quite DFS all over. I am going to give the “C” plate a chance a couple more shaves and then try the “D” plate. I think anything above that is way too aggressive for me.
Sounds like a solid plan to know how and if it is or isn't for you.
I get it. There's only one spider that gets an immediate death sentence form me. Brown Recluse. They are pretty common here. Everything else gets a pass.
Around our place Black Widows and Brown Recluse both get a death sentence. The wolf spiders here get pretty big, but they get a pass.

Fair. It was smooth and comfortable but not quite DFS all over. I am going to give the “C” plate a chance a couple more shaves and then try the “D” plate. I think anything above that is way too aggressive for me.

Good looking pic! And that does sound like a solid plan.

No SOTD pic today

Semogue boar
Honeybee Mayan Gold soap
Karve test 2 “C” plate / Astra SP (2)
Speick splash
Avon Windjammer sample wipe fully rocking

The second shave went exactly like the first and I am beginning to wonder what a different blade will do to change the shave a bit. I don’t think the issue not quite getting DFS is the razor it is nice but the blade seems to not fit the razor mild plate with a mild blade = less efficiency is my thought. Maybe a Feather tomorrow night or GSB or a Rubie would make it a bit more where I think it could be.

Maybe we shall see.

Have a great Sunday tomorrow! Prayers and God’s blessings to each of you folks.
Great reads, TJ! Spiders pretty much get the death sentence in the house by SWMBO, WHEN they leave their designated spot. Unless it's a recluse or a widow of some sort. Then they're done for.

Speick-tember 3/10
Karve test 3 “C” plate / new Rubie blade
Speick stick and splash
Stirling Tuxedo brush


Much better shave this time around I got DFS but the “C” seems that that is all I am gonna get. Will give it one more shot tomorrow and then switch to the “D” plate.

Well my ECU Pirates pulled one off yesterday, and now I am watching a really good looking Washington Redskins team beat the Arizona Cardinals. It has been a good football weekend for me for sure.

Baby boy has some sort of illness and has been running a fever since late yesterday afternoon. Not really sure what’s going on there. But he is miserable. That has made me pretty miserable too. On a different ore I have been cuddling with him and the puppies all day.

Have a Fantastic Monday tomorrow folks thanks for reading! Prayers and God’s blessings to each of you!
Sorry to hear your family is under the weather! I hope it’s just a 24 hour thing!
Bummer TJ. My daughter is sick too, but they are more miserable when they are smaller. Hope a night’s sleep does him well.
9/11/18. Remember Always!

Well overall the best preparations we can make for this upcoming storm are made and I decided to take a break from the Karve to learn this new modern adjustable called the Parker Variant before I am forced to travel to either my moms or to my in-laws house (the later is more likely). If that happens I will essentially be forced into using my travel kit and I am really hoping to replace the Q-shave with the Variant or carry both.

Little boy is still under the weather but the Doc says it seems to be viral as all of the strep and other tests are negative. We shall see if he is still running a fever on Thursday then call them back.


Parker Variant /new Astra SP
Stirling Badger
CBL Ghost Lime

First off let me say if I had not googled how to load a blade in this razor it would have been next to impossible to get right. Once I understood how to get the cap off and that the notches had to be lined up so that the adjuster would clock correctly. Then I could start the shave. The soap I won’t give a full review on til later but let’s say that it has some of the best post shave feel out there and this Ghost part really does work and I like it. Is it Elite idk but it’s really good and better than most.

I ended up getting a BBS after dry down and the razor was only dialed to 1.5. I am confused about that part because it seems way more aggressive than the Karve “C” plate or at least for sure sounds more aggressive. I am guessing that is due to very little bottom support for the blade.

Thanks for reading folks and please keep thinking of us as this major storm comes in at this point late Thursday-early Friday. Prayers and God’s blessings to each of you my friends.
Great shave and picture TJ!

Praying for you and everyone else in the path of Florence.
FYI did you know it was around this time last year that Hurricane Irma and Hurricane Harvey made land fall? Harvey made landfall on 8-25-2017 on the Texas coast and Irma hit the Florida Keys on 9-10-2017. 1st time in recorded history that 2 category 4 hurricanes in the same season made landfall in the United States.