The Shaving Cadre

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Doc’s mad rabbit hole journey.

Great stuff TJ...loving the vintage look on that razor!
DE did a fantastic job on it. It did not open well at all before it left and i had to and still have to manually open the lid after turning the knob but it does operate much more smoothly. The Fatboy he did at the same time is way way smoother operationally. I agree that this color did keep the vintage feel on this razor for sure.
From what I have read...they do disassembly and small repairs when they recoat the razors. I could be wrong though.
You got me thinking TJ...I have a Slim that I don't use for fear that it has a bent bar. I am thinking that I need a Purple and Gold LSU themed razor also...hmm...I see a solution here!
Yes Don you should send it to them and get the color scheme of your dreams. Not sure how much repairing they do but they do disassemble and clean the parts well.
After 4 shaves with the stick and splash I was impressed as well TJ. Glad Watson's makeover improved function as well as appearance. Nice pic !
Great shave and picture TJ!

Speick is some good stuff IMHO.
Glad you like the Speick stick!

Thanks guys Speick surprised me for sure. 9 more shaves left in the challenge this month should be easy peasy.
Excellent video TJ. For a razor needing attention you make short work of things with Kate.

She is very efficient in her work and that's what makes her so desirable and dangerous. If you know the real story of Kate from the movie that statement becomes even more true.
Ok so after the shave last night my wife and son arrived home and my oldest boy was promoted to white belt. He received his gi and belt and now does not have to wear sweatpants and a whit t-shirt to class. then we all went to bed and i was watching the Eagles vs Falcons NFL opener. Around 11 pm our three dogs (2-chihuahuas and a shi-tzu) began going absolutely insane. I got up and went to investigate because normally they would all be asleep and my thoughts at first was we had a mouse in the house. Nope no mouse. After further investigation I discovered that at some point in time a toad decided that inside my house was better than my porch and that the dogs water bowl was a nice place to sit. I gathered the fellow up and replaced him on the porch. all was well then i fell asleep before the game went off.
Ok so after the shave last night my wife and son arrived home and my oldest boy was promoted to white belt. He received his gi and belt and now does not have to wear sweatpants and a whit t-shirt to class. then we all went to bed and i was watching the Eagles vs Falcons NFL opener. Around 11 pm our three dogs (2-chihuahuas and a shi-tzu) began going absolutely insane. I got up and went to investigate because normally they would all be asleep and my thoughts at first was we had a mouse in the house. Nope no mouse. After further investigation I discovered that at some point in time a toad decided that inside my house was better than my porch and that the dogs water bowl was a nice place to sit. I gathered the fellow up and replaced him on the porch. all was well then i fell asleep before the game went off.

Well that's enough to wake you up. We don't get toads in my area. But I did run into a tarantula the other morning.
Well that's enough to wake you up. We don't get toads in my area. But I did run into a tarantula the other morning.

I would burn my )(*& house down over a dang tarantula. Me and spiders have a hate hate relationship. I got bit many years ago by a black widow. Made me sick as a dog and hurt like nothing i have ever experienced before. Since then spiders are not my friends. If they stay outside and where they belong i leave them alone and even take photos of them but inside my house is a death sentence.
I would burn my )(*& house down over a dang tarantula. Me and spiders have a hate hate relationship. I got bit many years ago by a black widow. Made me sick as a dog and hurt like nothing i have ever experienced before. Since then spiders are not my friends. If they stay outside and where they belong i leave them alone and even take photos of them but inside my house is a death sentence.

Oh it was NOT in my house. If it was in my house my wife might make us move! It was on the driveway. Don't tell KJ but if a spider enters the house it is killed pretty much instantly! They stay outside where they belong I don't mind.
I would burn my )(*& house down over a dang tarantula. Me and spiders have a hate hate relationship. I got bit many years ago by a black widow. Made me sick as a dog and hurt like nothing i have ever experienced before. Since then spiders are not my friends. If they stay outside and where they belong i leave them alone and even take photos of them but inside my house is a death sentence.
Oh it was NOT in my house. If it was in my house my wife might make us move! It was on the driveway. Don't tell KJ but if a spider enters the house it is killed pretty much instantly! They stay outside where they belong I don't mind.

Totally with you guys in this. I’m pretty convinced that one was riding on the snake in Eden when the whole Fall thing happened. How could anyone look at a spider and not see evil? ?
...and my oldest boy was promoted to white belt. He received his gi and belt and now does not have to wear sweatpants and a whit t-shirt to class.
Awesome, congrats. That must be awesome for him!

But I did run into a tarantula the other morning.
I'd love to live in a place where that happens. I think the tarantulas in your area are Aphonoplema iodius. (but I'll have to double check.)

Don't tell KJ but if a spider enters the house it is killed pretty much instantly! They stay outside where they belong I don't mind.
I get it. There's only one spider that gets an immediate death sentence form me. Brown Recluse. They are pretty common here. Everything else gets a pass.
Awesome, congrats. That must be awesome for him!

Not my pic but similar to the one I saw. Although the one I saw was smaller. Probably trying to get back to his burrow before the sun came out. I think just a common brown tarantula.

Arrived home from work and there was a box! Now I’m wondering what it is and I look at the address tag and it is from Dave! Now I also am on the phone with SWMBO at the time and I say I wonder what is Dave sending me this time because Dave sends me lots and lots of stuff ! Then I remembered that the Bourbon Dave allowed me generously I might add to be next in line for

So I altered my plan for tonight just a bit and loaded a fresh Astra SP into the Karve.
Using the “C” plate first as I didn’t want to go whole hog most aggressive on shave 1. I will reserve my final review on it until after I have given it its paces.

Initially i I realized that this is a well made piece and it is heavier than any other DE I have used. All the pieces fit well together and nothing is loose. Handle knurled and grippy. I got a really nice shave from this razor and although I am not BBS I didn’t bleed so all good.

Karve/Astra SP
Parker Pure Badger
CFG Sherlock soap and splash

Thanks for reading folks and I may just give my final thoughts on the razor in a video later. Prayers and God’s blessings to each of you! Hope you all have a great weekend!