The Shaving Cadre

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Doc’s mad rabbit hole journey.

As an update i did find a new shavette that raised my curiosity enough to get it as a birthday gift. A gent in the UK is making them out of damascus. They take according to my reading and number of a large amount of different blades allowing the user to customize his/her experience with each shave. Each razor is capable of taking the traditional half-DE blade, a full DE blade, a feather AC style blade or a long injector blade. Each different setup gives a different amount of blade exposure and feel. I am hoping to have it in a few weeks so we will see.

Well color me intrigued.
Pretty elegant styling. Looks nice!

If I were to get a DE shavette, which I still may, I think I’d go for a Universal.
Well I decided against shaving tonight just due to a lack of energy after work and church. Got the boys in bed and the baby boy is really starting to grow into himself lately in the speech front. Many I think know here but some may not he was severely delayed by lack of ability to use his tongue at birth. Once we figured out he literally was tongue tied and upper lip tied we could correct them medically and then start the process of teaching a birthed child what most babies learn in the womb prior to birth. We also since learned he does have a few genetic anomaly things and those contribute to his development delays. Nothing wrong with him he just grows at his pace on his curve and develps a touch slower than average. The oldest boy on the other hand is physically exactly where he should be at 7 but has the mentality of 12 year olds according to his psychiatrist. So that’s my daily grind in a nutshell one kid on opposing sides of social averages and trying to bring them up the best way that I can in the faith that I have and that if I do my job correctly then their souls may not be lost.

Sorry this one went a lot personal and if I offended them I apologize.

Thanks for reading folks. Have an absolutely fantastic day tomorrow. Prayers and God’s blessings to each of you.
TJ, I’m always happy to read what you decide to share. It’s your journal, let it take whatever path you wish. You’re thinking about your boys as individuals and having different needs. Doesn’t take away the parents’ worry they are doing the right thing. Sleep well brother.
Thanks for sharing TJ. I didn’t know that.

Blessings for your family!
Thank you for the share TJ, absolutely no worries on offense here. As stated, it's your journal to choose what to share. You're doing a great job as a father, and will have a great pair of boys when they get older!
Pictures i can assure you will happen but i can copy a stock photo from the facebook page if need be and i wont get in any trouble.

You are good to go! If its a great experience add it to the shopping area so others can learn about em!
....Sorry this one went a lot personal and if I offended them I apologize....

No need to even add this line, IMHO. Nice to hear some back story.
Wow that is neat how it takes different blades. I will be following along on your reviews very closely.
Wow that is neat how it takes different blades. I will be following along on your reviews very closely.

I was for sure intrigued by it and the versatility of it has extreme potential. I'm a bit excited to get my hands on it and review something for sure to add a bit of value to this wonderful forum. Speaking of that, one day I will get around to finishing the scale job on my Feather SS.
Interesting to hear how it compares to your experiences with the SS and a straight.

In the pics it shows a lot more blade exposed with a full DE blade than with the half blade. I assume in reality it should be the same since it looks like it would line up on the same holes.
Interesting to hear how it compares to your experiences with the SS and a straight.

In the pics it shows a lot more blade exposed with a full DE blade than with the half blade. I assume in reality it should be the same since it looks like it would line up on the same holes.
that was my thought unless the full blade does not sit as far up on the pins when it is installed