The Shaving Cadre

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Doc’s mad rabbit hole journey.

I'll tell ya, I would be more likely to try mine if you didn't have to deal with a hard puck that needs a place to live.

I bought some extra empty tubs from Susan at Honey Bee Soaps with my last order to use for situations like that.

Also, why do you not have an Old Spice mug to put it in?????
I bought some extra empty tubs from Susan at Honey Bee Soaps with my last order to use for situations like that.

Also, why do you not have an Old Spice mug to put it in?????
Space, man, space. I do have a metal container to put it in, but it's more the thought of it taking up more space that way and never using it again. Just this weekend I relocated my socks to free up another drawer.
Space, man, space. I do have a metal container to put it in, but it's more the thought of it taking up more space that way and never using it again. Just this weekend I relocated my socks to free up another drawer.

I've really got to get organized so I can show you how I keep my stuff. I don't think I could ever run out of space, LOL.
I'm surprised that you didn't get a good lather from the OS. It lathers for me if I just drop my brush onto the exposed puck, BOOM! LOL. But really, I get a super easy, super creamy lather form it. Never heard of anyone having issues with it before. The scent aspect doesn't surprise me though. The scent it gone from most vintage pucks.

I was vexed with that one for sure.
All i can say is that i really really could (if i didn't like variety so much) use Williams as a daily driver. It is slick as a greased eel's rump and the stubble has just started showing itself about an hour ago. that is outstanding longevity for a shave for me.

SV Cosmo soap and splash
Paladin PK-47 select
Black Beauty w/Personna Platinum (4)


I think this Black Beauty is a 1981 model with a metal base plate but I could be wrong there. This blade actually seems to be getting better not worse. BBS shave again and either 100 or 200 of these blades on the way. lather was typical fantastic stuff that I expect from SV and I came to a realization. Williams is slicker. MW has better post feel as does WWSC for me. But as a whole SV is easily elite overall and has all the elements at a level that I could use almost no post product but their splashes are very very nice.

on to the Homefront

SWMBO and I watched Tombstone this weekend and the baby boy was at home with us. I picked him up from the babysitter this afternoon and said “I love you baby boy”. His reply gave me tears “I’m the Ucklebewy” in the best 2yr old voice I can muster.

folks thanks for reading! Have a great day tomorrow. Prayers and God’s blessings to each of you!

SV Cosmo soap and splash
Paladin PK-47 select
Black Beauty w/Personna Platinum (4)


I think this Black Beauty is a 1981 model with a metal base plate but I could be wrong there. This blade actually seems to be getting better not worse. BBS shave again and either 100 or 200 of these blades on the way. lather was typical fantastic stuff that I expect from SV and I came to a realization. Williams is slicker. MW has better post feel as does WWSC for me. But as a whole SV is easily elite overall and has all the elements at a level that I could use almost no post product but their splashes are very very nice.

on to the Homefront

SWMBO and I watched Tombstone this weekend and the baby boy was at home with us. I picked him up from the babysitter this afternoon and said “I love you baby boy”. His reply gave me tears “I’m the Ucklebewy” in the best 2yr old voice I can muster.

folks thanks for reading! Have a great day tomorrow. Prayers and God’s blessings to each of you!

That's enough to make a grown man cry TJ!

Tonights shave sucked eggs. That Mr M character came to visit in a huge way.

Vlad normally gives me really nice shaves. This one began no different than any other. After pass one about 1/4 of the way through pass 2 I noticed the shave felt rather bladeless. The latch that holds the two halves of the blade holder together had loosened and the blade slid inside the holder. I fixed the blade and finished pass 2. Lathered my face for pass 3 and grabbed the razor. Same situation except this time I caught it before it could catch me. Called an audible and grabbed my Injector for the 3 pass and dang if I didn’t cut a small spot near the crease of my mouth.

Lets just say I am now in the market for a new whole DE blade shavette.

Thanks for reading folks and have a great day tomorrow. Prayers and God’s blessings to each of you folks!
Whoa...potential for massive blood sacrifice was looming large there. Glad it didn't result in the involuntary offering!
I haven't seen one of those Black Satin Tips in quite awhile. I remember when they were all the rage.
As an update i did find a new shavette that raised my curiosity enough to get it as a birthday gift. A gent in the UK is making them out of damascus. They take according to my reading and number of a large amount of different blades allowing the user to customize his/her experience with each shave. Each razor is capable of taking the traditional half-DE blade, a full DE blade, a feather AC style blade or a long injector blade. Each different setup gives a different amount of blade exposure and feel. I am hoping to have it in a few weeks so we will see.