The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Doc’s mad rabbit hole journey.


Wow was tonight’s shave needed! Performance review finally happened today and surprise I’m still employed.

So in honor of a fairly good day I pulled out a really close to if not Elite soap and splash set. And just in case you all wondered This Fatboy really really digs his Ghosttown Fatboy.

BBS smooth and smelling wonderfully. I will probably hit a few vassilys of David Beckham Instinct tomorrow for a scent.

Thanks for reading. Prayers and God’s blessings to each of you!
Great shave TJ. Hope Lisa is reading this and makes enough of that scent soap. Releasing on the 17th and I have a sleep study on the 16th. Wonder if they'll take into account my not sleeping because I'm lay awake thinking of midnight hitting and all of it getting sold before I get home to a computer ???????? Congrats on your employer recognizing your worth to them.

SWMBO and her best friend went to get matching Tattoos. I know this sounds nuts but her bestie has Cystic Fibrosis and is on year 6 after a double lung transplant. They got matching tats for my wife to always have a memorial of her once she inevitability passes before she becomes an elderly woman. I decided to pamper myself with straight shave 46!


SV Cosmo soap and splash
Henkels 415 5/8
TSC Legacy Sorrentino Fan Tuxedo

all in all not much better way to relax!

Hope you all have a great day tomorrow. Thanks for reading. Prayers and God’s blessings to each of you!
I think it’s awesome for your wife to commemorate her friendship. And tattoos are an awesome way to have a fun night out and a bonding experience. I try to not get tattoos unless they are meaningful. Sound that that is something she will cherish forever!
I am now sad for your wife's friend. But happy for her that she has someone who cares for her.
That’s cool. I like that tat.

Glad to have you guys around to remind me of those great soaps I need to pull out and use. I’ve never done a theme week, but maybe a SV week is in the future.
I agree about the meaningful ink. I really want to get some ink in honor of my kids but haven’t figured out what I want or where yet

well we had tons upon tons of rain today! And I wanted to relax so I pulled it a really really nice soap the MW Irish Traveller and my Ghosttown Fatboy.


BBS +++++ and now I smell like English Fern. I wonder is the boss gonna day I smell “nice” again.

Have a great Sunday folks. Prayers and God’s blessings to each of you!