The Shaving Cadre

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Doc’s mad rabbit hole journey.


What an awesome day folks!

We attended church and celebrated the 2 college and 2 High School graduates from our church. Then I came home and had a nap with the baby boy. Drew the random draw for the one year ago pif and dangerousdon was selected as the recipient. Congratulations again sir!! Then I started packing the stuff from here that I am sending to him and got out the waffle iron so I could make some waffles for supper with the oldest boy. Yes our waffles are a tad different looking but it is the only super hero I allow to be stuff purchased by me for!

After watching the boy practice his Karate I finally settled in for a bit of daddy spa time and what a shave it was!


H. Boker & Co Good as Gold
20 laps each fabric and leather pre
30 laps each post
Stirling Badger Fan 24mm
Asylum Royal Fougere soap and splash
will finish with Pens English Fern and really smell beast mode tomorrow for work.

Had a very nice BBS+ but on pass 3 I had a bit of fluid leakage due to a hard touchdown and a bit too steep of an angle. Lesson learned painfully but stypic pencil stopped the fluids.

The other thing I have to note is that the Mystic Water Irish Traveller bath bar is still surprisingly whole and not much has washed off. I’m on its 20th use and it is a bit smaller than a new one but I would say there is about 3/4 left on it. I am gonna try Lisa’s bath bar next but I have 2 more MW ones and these work extremely well for me.

Have a most excellent Monday folks thanks for reading. Prayers and God’s blessings to each of you folks.
Mystic Water bath bar soaps are awesome indeed; as well as Lisa's. I also favor Soap Commander and Mama Bear bath bar soaps.

....After watching the boy practice his Karate....

What style of Karate? My daughter and I are Okinawan Shuri-Ryu.
I studied Okinawan Shorin-Ryu my wife and son both study Goju-Ryu.

I have ave one of the Soap Commander bath bars it is nice as well.

Man, there was a ton of great stuff in the past couple of shaves! And thank you so much again for the awesome PIF!

A trip to Tombstone after a mail call was in order and I even let Kate come along!


I had used used some of the PAA product before in a different scent and when I was net surfing the other day I ran across this one and the name alone I had to buy it much less the scent profile on the lid says “Gunpowder, Leather, Tobacco, Geranium, Bergamot, and Rose”. Ok I’m not normally a floral fan but this isn’t wimpy floral at all out of the tub. I get the tobacco and leather up front but the gunpowder gets a bit lost in the mix. Everyone plays nicely together for sure so it’s a keeper.

Out of tub SOS to me is about a 2.5/5

Everyone but KJ should read past that statement. KJ you would not like this stuff.

Now for the rest of you this will come off as sacrilege. I like this better than GTB!

After lathering this stuff blooms into what can only be described as pillow soft clouds with angel lips singing all around you while you watch someone else in a gunfight!

And why just why did someone not tell me how good Phoenix Artisian Accoutrements splashes were? This is seriously some high high quality juice!!!

OK I am not sorry and will gladly take any and all blame if you go off and buy this stuff tonight. It’s that good. Not saying I will ever be out of the GTB gang but I’m all on board for this stuff. Both have a permanent place in my den.

On a different note my Fatboy and MMOC that went for a spa retreat are enjoying themselves and their treatments should be done sometime this week and then they will make their journey home. I’m excited to see the end result on both of them as all I really did was give him a general look that I was hoping to achieve and then allow him to let his creativity run free.

Well thanks for reading folks. Sorry for enablement overload (not really but didn’t it sound good.). Have a wonderful Wednesday folks. Prayers and God’s blessings to each of you.
Sounds like a great soap given the notes! Solid man-shave!

Now for the rest of you this will come off as sacrilege. I like this better than GTB!

Uh oh! A little bit of the place in TJ’s heart that used to be claimed by GTB has been usurped!
Excellent Pic today TJ...and great shave! Those scent notes sound interesting and very familiar!
Thanks for the heads up TJ. But anything with a “western” type scent, I’m pretty much avoiding from this point on. I’ve got one upcoming from Chad, that I’m not looking forward to using.

Also I wouldn’t touch anything from PAA with a 10 ft pole.
Thanks for the heads up TJ. But anything with a “western” type scent, I’m pretty much avoiding from this point on. I’ve got one upcoming from Chad, that I’m not looking forward to using.

Also I wouldn’t touch anything from PAA with a 10 ft pole.

Not feeling lucky?

The Tombstone sounds great. I am a fan of PAA products, but I wasn't around for the shenanigans years ago.
I dunno TJ. Gotta know you know what you’re talking about when it comes to GTB, but most the PAA scents I’ve tried have been a bit off.