The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Doc’s mad rabbit hole journey.


Man I'm going to have to get a Paladin someday. They have some truly stunning brushes and I have yet to see even a mediocre review of one.
Alternator put on car done
sick baby boy check
prayers and God’s blessings to each of you folks check
major headache so I’m just hitting this entry with a photo

Sorry about the wife gets them from time to time so i n=know they can really hurt. Great shave...45th Parallel is such a great scent!
Sorry about the pain brother.

The pic reminds me that I have a new CC soap to try.
It seems it has been awhile since you got a migraine. I hope this one passes quickly! 45th Parallel is a great shave though!
Great shaves TJ!

Ken make a great brush for sure and all the Stirling Brushes are great values for sure!
I hope you and your son are feeling better!

Everyone is feeling much much better today. And I almost lost my Paladin.


SWMBO decided that we could both use the same soap and she would use my leftovers and I could lather it up for her because she wasn’t sure she always did it right. Well notice the brush I had picked and already used tonight. The immediate statement she made was why is that one so much softer than the one I use. (An Omega Hi-Brush Synthetic Plissoft). I said this one is much more scritchy to me and proceeded to press just a tad harder and she said I guess you are right but if you use the sides of the brush it’s softer. I think I like mine better. Disaster was promptly diverted.

had an absolutely wonderful DFS finished off with a bit of Phillips Fougere from Black Ship and am just plain comfortable.

Have a great Sunday folks thanks for reading. Prayers and God’s blessings to each of you folks.
Good one TJ, maybe surprise her with her own Paladin for your next anniversary or other event. Then it's his and hers.
Me and the oldest boy cooked supper tonight and I believe there is a certain member of the cadre that will enjoy the look of it
