The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Doc’s mad rabbit hole journey.

Some of those straights are quite the looker! Hope they hone up well for you.

I just simply could not wait any longer to take these new to me razors for a spin around the face. The up first one is the Case Red Imp 132 Wedge. Not wanting to tempt “the one I won’t name” I only used new this razor all else is a known performer and I was feeling rather cherry. So my Padauk Cashmere Sorrentino brush and my CC magma bowl paired with WWSC Billy the Kid. (Black Cherry, Bourbon, and Vanilla). Finished off with leftover lather instead of balm and CC 45th parallel splash if needed.


What I got was one of the best shaves I’ve ever had. This edge is very very crisp like 2x crisper than the edge Dave put on my other razors. Not sure if this is a feeling YMMV thing or if there is validity to it.

Thanks for reading. Have a wonderful day tomorrow and sleep soundly tonight. Prayers and God’s blessings to each of you folks!
Great shave TJ! Good Looking razor!

DocHoliday0831 said:
Not wanting to tempt “the one I won’t name” I only used new this razor all else is a known performer
Wise Move!
Oh dang...Dave been plum outdone!

Glad you didn’t get a visit from He Who Must Not Be Named!

Stunning set up!
Oh dang...Dave been plum outdone!

Glad you didn’t get a visit from He Who Must Not Be Named!

Stunning set up!

Dave has not been outdone I seem to feel a noticeable difference in a smoother comfort level from Dave’s edge. This one seemed really crisp and defiantly sharp almost to a harsh level
Nice one TJ! Sounds like it was finished on a synthetic or very-hard JNAT...they tend to feel laser-like, cut-through-space/time continuum sharp on the face.

Wow it really has been about 3 days since I shaved proper. A lot has happened in those 3 days though. I was interviewed for a commercial that the owner of my company has purchased. Not sure if it is for TV or for other digital formats but NurseDave may get to hear the “Opie Taylor” after all. The wife took her car to have it serviced on Thursday and bought a new one while she was there. It was ok we had been talking about the one with the third row seats for a while and payment change was 40$ so I might have to skip one pick of soap a few months to cover the gap. We also got to take a rather rare date night and the kids stayed off with the in laws. That means we will have to go eat lunch there tomorrow but I can sacrifice that for 18 hours alone with SWMBO.

A quick BBS and scent arrangement had to be made so we were not late for our dinner table at a newly opened restaurant in town. So I called upon the shave of legends and pulled out all the stops with the scent (5 vassiliys of the scent to be exact)


Thanks for reading my friends. Prayers and God’s blessings to each of you, have a super Sunday tomorrow as well.
Advertisement you say? We do expect a link or a post to see what kind acting chops you might have!

So happy you got a night alone with the guys with kids sometimes need recharge and reconnect! Happy Sunday to you too!
I laughed at the taking the car in for service and coming back with a new one. That's one way to deal with car problems!

Good to hear you got a little break in there buddy! And every time I see that black RX I think about needing to get one powder coated.
I laughed at the taking the car in for service and coming back with a new one. That's one way to deal with car problems!

Good to hear you got a little break in there buddy! And every time I see that black RX I think about needing to get one powder coated.

And it didn’t even have problems, it was literally a free scheduled oil change. And I love Kate!

SOTD: photo first

Sherlock from CFG got the call tonight and the TSC legacy brush worked wonderfully. I also found my at this point favorite straight I own so far. A JA Henkels TwinWorks 415. It is an absolutely wonderful shaver sharp and smooth as silk. Got me DSBBS in 3 passes with a tad of creative cleanup. The razor is extremely well balanced and weighted very nicely. I never felt like I needed to add pressure the razor just seemed to want to do all the work so I let it.

Also placed two orders today from companies that I have heard a lot about and just never bought anything from. First I ordered a couple shave soaps from Mystic Water and a few bath bars as well. And then I decided that I just had to have some bath/face bars from Lisa’s Natural and I grabbed a Patchouli based shave set while I was there. Hopefully the two won’t disappoint as I had some very nice performance from a couple mystic water samples KJ sent me but the scents were rather weak if discernible at all. We shall see.

Thanks for reading and following along on this journey straight into the abysmal pit of traditional wet shaving. Prayers and God’s blessings to each of you folks. Have a great Monday and start to the week next week.

PS both SWMBO and my oldest have birthdays this week so I may end up a bit behind on the posting but will try to stay caught up.