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Corona Virus

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Okay I think I got all the political posts and the ones that were quoted. I know it was in jest and meant in good humor. So I am not reprimanding any member. This is a scary time for EARTH and we as humans need to come together.

Thank you! Stay safe! Wash your hands! Practice social distancing if at all possible!
Okay I think I got all the political posts and the ones that were quoted. I know it was in jest and meant in good humor. So I am not reprimanding any member. This is a scary time for EARTH and we as humans need to come together.

Thank you! Stay safe! Wash your hands! Practice social distancing if at all possible!

My wife and I are now officially bunkered in, but not laying around. (Ok there's some laying around happening too, well, mostly laying around, but here's a rare action shot.)

I don't think people realize it's not how many known cases you have in a state or area. There are thousands walking around untested and carrying it with little to no symptoms which can and will spread it. The social distancing and closures is hoped to slow the spread so hospitals don't get over taxed. That said, 80 percent of the people that get it will be fine and get over it with little if any discomfort. It's the high risk population that we should be careful and cautious for. Panic? No. Overly cautious can't hurt though. Just the way I've understood all that has been explained to us for what it's worth.
I don't think people realize it's not how many known cases you have in a state or area. There are thousands walking around untested and carrying it with little to no symptoms which can and will spread it. The social distancing and closures is hoped to slow the spread so hospitals don't get over taxed. That said, 80 percent of the people that get it will be fine and get over it with little if any discomfort. It's the high risk population that we should be careful and cautious for. Panic? No. Overly cautious can't hurt though. Just the way I've understood all that has been explained to us for what it's worth.
Good Lord! I hope it's more than 80% or else we are doomed. DOOMED!!!! 🤪
That said, 80 percent of the people that get it will be fine and get over it with little if any discomfort.

Wait... I obviously don't have it, know nobody who does as of yet... So I'm running on things I read, hear, etc.

I thought this was a lot like the flu... Which is life-threatening to those with compromised immune systems, the elderly, etc.. The rest of us will get over it, but it's a crap shoot if you're in bed for 2 weeks, In the hospital, and so on.

This is the first time hearing that there will be 'little if any discomfort for most'. Is that like we won't even realize we have it??

I know we have a few nurses, and possibly some doctors, on the board. Is this true? Wow. I thought I had fairly good information. Seems waaaaaay overblown then.

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The best answer is having this is very much like having the flu and maybe not as severe. The flu in an otherwise healthy individual can range from them not even noticing they have it to being knocked out for a week. While most it's somewhere in the middle.
The best answer is having this is very much like having the flu and maybe not as severe. The flu in an otherwise healthy individual can range from them not even noticing they have it to being knocked out for a week. While most it's somewhere in the middle.
Ahh, interesting. Thanks @NurseDave .

It just occurred to me, I don't think I've had the flu since I was a kid... If that was even the flu.

So if this is like a less severe strain, that makes sense... A person who is healthy, especially in the lung-department, would fair well / better if infected.

The downside is that it's more contagious than the flu, and has no vaccine. So keeping it away from the young, old, and compromised is proving a tough gig?

I am recovering from viral 'bronchitis'. I would imagine, even as a somewhat healthy 43 year old, I'd want to avoid CoV like the plague until my bronchitis is gone (or altogether, of course). To a layman, it doesn't sound like two things you want together. [emoji51]

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It just occurred to me, I don't think I've had the flu since I was a kid... If that was even the flu.
That's the thing, maybe you did and just thought it was the cold because it was so mild. That's where the problem is. COVID is very easily spread and healthy people often don't think they have it so they walk around infecting others. It's like that game Plague Inc. If you make your virus not so deadly, it spreads more quickly because people don't seek treatment and aren't laying around in bed.
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