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Corona Virus

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I haven't been posting here much on purpose. I haven't been watching the news at all really. A good portion of every day now is COVID meetings, emails and calls. And I can't honestly know what is our hospital's response vs what is known in the general public now. And of course it would be bad for me to talk out of turn about what our hospital is doing. All I know is people need to remember for them personally getting COVID is no worse than the flu. If you're at risk, then either is bad deal. If you're not at risk, either is a pain. COVID just spreads so darn easily and quickly. Scares the beejeez out of people and if you're not at risk, you need to protect those around you that are. And many times that means keeping away from them.
Hey friend, wanted you to know I "laughed" at your post because it reminded me of myself at his age.

My biggest concern about this thing, and the way I'm afraid it will play out is this:

The warm weather will help, but the biggest threat is to our nursing home population: residents and staff.

The staff is overwhelmed, overworked, underappreciated, and underpaid.

The president barely mentioned this, just a half a sentence I swear, but he did say not to go visit those loved ones to help contain this pandemic. We need to do 2 things, starting NOW: stop touching your face, and pray.

I'm a retired geriatric/psych nurse. I'm also a coronary and pulmonary patient, so this hits close to home.

You're probably right. My other concern is the lack of testing taking place in this country. How do you fight something like a virus if you don't have good data telling you where it is and in what concentrations? As someone with kidney disease, I am also concerned about contracting this thing.
So just received a text from the wife:

"I am legit concerned that we can't get TP."

I tell her that it's okay...I have a bunch of old t-shirts.

She says, "WT[bleep] is wrong with people??!! I mean, it's my understanding that this virus gives you a runny nose not a runny ass."

My text back to her is...Amazon?

I hear nothing from her. Guess she found her TP.
She says, "WT[bleep] is wrong with people??!! I mean, it's my understanding that this virus gives you a runny nose not a runny ass."

Best response ever.

Also bottled water... At the "epicenter" in China, running (tap) water is staying on. I'm a little puzzled by this one.

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California gov officially called for cancellation of engagements 250 people or more...oh and sub note, the state can now take over any hotel or medical facility to use for the treatment of affected individuals.
And all these schools being shut down. You can imagine how many medial people have school aged kids and how that might effect staffing. 😐
California gov officially called for cancellation of engagements 250 people or more...oh and sub note, the state can now take over any hotel or medical facility to use for the treatment of affected individuals.
And all these schools being shut down. You can imagine how many medial people have school aged kids and how that might effect staffing. 😐
On the positive side Dave's Tents for testing just got an upgrade......
Now....if you could just find a stash of hand sanitizer
I'm hearing rumors of a total government shutdown as soon as Monday. Now that's what sucks. I don't even want to look at how much money I've lost this past week. I'm not selling at this point so when I feel as though things have stabilized or hit bottom, I'll probably buy some stocks that I feel are deals.
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