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Corona Virus

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People are panicking and have lost all sense of logic. Good hygiene and house cleaning is a must to stop the spread and for god sake stop touching your face without washing your hands with soap and water. Yes, I know I'm not being very humorous. I am sick of illogical people who can't seem to help themselves and makr my butt wipe, water, cleaning supplies cost 10 x more than they should.
This all sucks.
Yes it does. The Colorado High School Activities Association just suspended all spring practices and games until April 6th. I‘m just afraid that it may extend past that date and the entire HS baseball season will be lost. I’m feeling very sad 😞 tonight.
Yes it does. The Colorado High School Activities Association just suspended all spring practices and games until April 6th. I‘m just afraid that it may extend past that date and the entire HS baseball season will be lost. I’m feeling very sad 😞 tonight.

I have a lot of friends in the referee business who depend on the income from officiating baseball and softball, no games means no fees. They are literally getting no income. I'm thankful that I officiate basketball and football for hobby first and cash second.
Now they've postponed the Masters... this has gone too far I say!

rollo GIF
Announced now ALL schools statewide closed for 2 weeks starting Monday in KY
Around here too....

All I know is this is starting to put a huge strain on the healthcare system and it's going to get worse. I'm still not overly concerned about the family getting the virus as they'll be ok. But we are being fairly cautious because now is NOT the time you want to get ill enough you have to see your doctor for anything. Kids are not pleased there will be no more hanging out at the mall or movies for a while.
Around here too....

All I know is this is starting to put a huge strain on the healthcare system and it's going to get worse. I'm still not overly concerned about the family getting the virus as they'll be ok. But we are being fairly cautious because now is NOT the time you want to get ill enough you have to see your doctor for anything. Kids are not pleased there will be no more hanging out at the mall or movies for a while.
Yeah, I have minor lung issues but I'm not panicked at all. Just common sense precautions and living as normal a life as can till blows over. It is what it is.
I know the coronavirus is very serious and it has me worried for my parents but sometimes you gotta have fun with stuff...
okay i have reached out and asked for # 72 and #77 to be deleted because some may take them politically even though they are not meant to be.
Schools in my area have not closed or even announced closing.. some area colleges have but not for grade school kids. they have stopped field trips but they have not stopped sporting events or the school concert my 11 yr old has next week ......yet. I guess we will see as the numbers rise what happens. we only have 12 cases statewide so far.. Myrtle Beach has said they are not concerned which i think is very strange considering they only have 33 thousand residents but during the summer months they have over 14 million people go through there. so far the counties around our Saint Augustine Florida summer house are okay they just had a case confirmed of a man from New York within the last day though so it is in that area too now...... its unnerving to say the least. hopefully we will soon see less cases just like is happening in China
Okay I think I got all the political posts and the ones that were quoted. I know it was in jest and meant in good humor. So I am not reprimanding any member. This is a scary time for EARTH and we as humans need to come together.

Thank you! Stay safe! Wash your hands! Practice social distancing if at all possible!
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