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Corona Virus

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Just been perusing some updates for the state...Sac State is cancelling all public events for the rest of the school year, pro baseball is having no home games for at least 2 weeks, NCAA games are not allowing the general public...holy smokes Batman!
We are planning to go look at colleges with our son during his spring break in mid April. Today I just got notice of the first cancellation fo the 5 schools we were going to check out. I expect more to come. I suspect this trip may not happen. I was talking with a neighbor today who is freelance photographer. He said every single one of his jobs has been cancelled. So that means no work for him for at least a month. I have to be careful because I have a mild form of kidney disease, but it's kidney disease none the less. I was supposed to head down to visit my mother in FL at the end of April and I called her to let her know that if things don't change or get worse, I'm not coming. She was disappointed but understands. If we are to contain this thing I think we need to follow the example set by South Korea and TEST EVERYONE. The testing allows you to know where it is, who its effecting, how it's being transmitted. Lots of useful data that can help fight it. Testing. That should be the US government's priority. I'm not hearing that from them. Frankly, I'm not hearing much of anything from Washington.
I work at a college and my kid is waiting to hear from colleges now. All the schools are canceling their visits and accepted students days. This is a whole new thing. Good news is that this too shall pass. Bad news is that it’s going to be a very rough ride.
My son is scheduled to take the SAT this Saturday. His school is the test site. While schools and colleges are closing around us, his school just let us know that they are accepting additional students from other test sites that were being closed. It may be a zoo this Saturday. Lots of time between now and then. It could get cancelled as well. I know my son would not have the slightest problem with that if they cancel.
I don't understand something. All countries that have been effective in containing the virus have either shut their borders or blanketed the country with testing. Since the virus is already here, shutting the borders will only do so much. What really needs to happen is testing. Listening to the address from the oval office, I don't recall hearing anything about testing. Did I miss something? I'm hoping I did.
All I'm going to say is I love the Cadre and the world is In a weird spot. Let's do our best to not make it political. And this is by no mean directed to anyone. Let's just be aware. People are dying and let's be cognizant about that when talking about this. I think if we are honest... We are all scared and it's human nature to try and joke it off.
So let's do this
Be aware
Be prepared
Don't add to the hysteria

This place is like a second family to me. I truly care about everyone here and I hope a few months from now we can look back and say... Yup we overreacted a little bit.
I don't understand something. All countries that have been effective in containing the virus have either shut their borders or blanketed the country with testing. Since the virus is already here, shutting the borders will only do so much. What really needs to happen is testing. Listening to the address from the oval office, I don't recall hearing anything about testing. Did I miss something? I'm hoping I did.
I think the primary step is meant to be containment, then testing. It’s a huge debate right now on if quarantining is viable or not.

Surprisingly (perhaps?) Sacramento County school district is choosing to not employ quarantine or shut down precautions. They’re claiming, in part, that people will congregate anyway somewhere else, so what’s the point?

I see the potential for a lot of lawsuits here. I think that’s one of the main reason why major businesses (such as the major sports leagues) are doing this no-general public thing - its not just health, it’s protecting their investments in the teams and covering their butts from liability issues.
I think the primary step is meant to be containment, then testing. It’s a huge debate right now on if quarantining is viable or not.

Surprisingly (perhaps?) Sacramento County school district is choosing to not employ quarantine or shut down precautions. They’re claiming, in part, that people will congregate anyway somewhere else, so what’s the point?

I see the potential for a lot of lawsuits here. I think that’s one of the main reason why major businesses (such as the major sports leagues) are doing this no-general public thing - its not just health, it’s protecting their investments in the teams and covering their butts from liability issues.

Interesting. Until you mentioned it I hadn't considered the legal side of this mess. I'm no scientist but isn't containment most effective before something gets into where it shouldn't be? If the virus is now being transmitted among members of numerous communities, isn't containment no longer the primary approach and wouldn't the next step be tracking in conjunction with containment once they have a handle on how and where it has spread, which can only be accomplished with mass testing?
I'm no scientist but isn't containment most effective before something gets into where it shouldn't be?
To be clear, I’m not either...this is just all hypothesis and I just clean toilets :ROFLMAO:

Yes and no, just because something is getting (does that even apply yet for the Americas?) out of hand, doesn’t mean it no longer needs containment. I’m guessing that’s one of the reasons for this 2-week “quarantine” idea. Let the virus play out in “known”, contained groups, see where symptoms pop up, then treat. At the same time you will have limited spreading.
To be clear, I’m not either...this is just all hypothesis and I just clean toilets :ROFLMAO:

Yes and no, just because something is getting (does that even apply yet for the Americas?) out of hand, doesn’t mean it no longer needs containment. I’m guessing that’s one of the reasons for this 2-week “quarantine” idea. Let the virus play out in “known”, contained groups, see where symptoms pop up, then treat. At the same time you will have limited spreading.

Yep. This makes lots of sense. So, the only thing missing is mass testing.
My son is scheduled to take the SAT this Saturday. His school is the test site. While schools and colleges are closing around us, his school just let us know that they are accepting additional students from other test sites that were being closed. It may be a zoo this Saturday. Lots of time between now and then. It could get cancelled as well. I know my son would not have the slightest problem with that if they cancel.
Hey friend, wanted you to know I "laughed" at your post because it reminded me of myself at his age.

My biggest concern about this thing, and the way I'm afraid it will play out is this:

The warm weather will help, but the biggest threat is to our nursing home population: residents and staff.

The staff is overwhelmed, overworked, underappreciated, and underpaid.

The president barely mentioned this, just a half a sentence I swear, but he did say not to go visit those loved ones to help contain this pandemic. We need to do 2 things, starting NOW: stop touching your face, and pray.

I'm a retired geriatric/psych nurse. I'm also a coronary and pulmonary patient, so this hits close to home.
This is just to update what's going on in KY.

KY Governor addressed the State. Declared a State of Emergency. Nursing Homes and Prisons are a no go for visitors. He cancelled all state workers out of state travel. Closed their cafeteria and is encouraging working from home for those able to.Also asked all to not go to Faith Services for the week. Their goal is to prevent spread and a spike that would overrun hospitals ability to care for the numbers. Next month will be critical and how we respond now will determine how long and severe a situation we have to deal with was said. I'm sure there was more said but these are the highlights. We aren't panicked but erring on the side of safety and protecting those we love isn't a bad idea in my mind. Our services are suspended til we regroup on Tuesday and see any updates from him which he stated will be daily.
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I don't understand something. All countries that have been effective in containing the virus have either shut their borders or blanketed the country with testing. Since the virus is already here, shutting the borders will only do so much. What really needs to happen is testing. Listening to the address from the oval office, I don't recall hearing anything about testing. Did I miss something? I'm hoping I did.
Not getting political here...but to answer the question (sort of) private companies that have the resources to do testing on large scales (think LabCorp and Quest) have been given the authorization to make and distribute testing kits to physicians and health care providers. But...hospitals, doctors, and others still have to abide by state regulations from THEIR Department of Health or like agency.

stop touching your face

I was touching my face as I read this...ooops!

I am still of the opinion that much reactions to a lot if this are not based on facts, but on speculation and misinformation. I literally watched one news show yesterday and was told one thing. Then I watched another, and was told something different. My wife is thoroughly freaked out because of her pregnancy. And I can't blame her. I don't think this is a time for certain parties or individuals (or all of them) to use this "epidemic" (if it really is one) for political game. Just give me the damn facts...which they are not doing!

That being said...I am trying to take a common sense approach this this. I am not worried about me...but I am worried about others being wife, my in-laws, others around me. So I have been washing my wands more frequently (and yes...I do sing happy birthday to make sure I wash long enough...and it is improving my voice), using a little more hand sanitizer here and there. Wiping down door knobs and cabinet handles with wipes, washing bath towels more frequently, and staying away from large crowds as much as possible. The warm months are coming up pretty soon...It's already in the 80s here in I am sure things will work out soon.

I just refuse to give into the hype and the fear. It's not the Zombie Apocalypse...well at least yet... 🧟‍♂️ 🧟‍♂️ 🧟‍♂️
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