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Corona Virus

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The mom & pop Main St. drugstores seem to be the last stores to get raided. The one around the corner had all of the panic buy items except sanitizer and rubbing alcohol.
Putting my poor boy to bed tonight and he broke down in tears. He's afraid school won't open back up and that he won't see his friends again. This is a lot in the little ones. My poor boy doesn't know yet my grandpa a man he idolizes will begin treatments for stage 3 lung cancer. Not sure how this guy is going to get through all this.

Man moments like this are hard as a dad.
This is normally the busiest time of the year for me with coaching wrestling. I coach 4 different teams and have 2-3 practices a day. Our governor televised a speech at noon on Thursday, and my entire season stopped within the next 2 hours. It was surreal. I went from living a crazy life to hearing crickets almost instantly. I’m still processing it.
Putting my poor boy to bed tonight and he broke down in tears. He's afraid school won't open back up and that he won't see his friends again. This is a lot in the little ones. My poor boy doesn't know yet my grandpa a man he idolizes will begin treatments for stage 3 lung cancer. Not sure how this guy is going to get through all this.

Man moments like this are hard as a dad.
That's hard to stomach Chad. And my thoughts and prayers go out to your Whole Family and especially your Grandpa. As far as your boy are tougher than we give them credit for. It will be hard...but he has a great mom and dad to lead him through life. We are hear if you need us.
I've been busy of late with all this going on. I would just urge everyone to keep the facts at the forefront of your mind and keep calm. We'll get through this just like we got through H1N1 in 2009-2010. If you look up the stats, we are doing much better with COVID.

With that said, I was determined that my household wasn't going to be one of those contributing to the shortage issues, so my wife went shopping yesterday like she normally would. Apparently we were the only ones trying to stay calm - everything cleaned out here in my area of NY. She finally found toilet paper at a local mom and pop hardware store. Mind you, we weren't stocking up, we just needed what we'd normally by for groceries. I loathe this side of the human nature for sheep to panic and cause a stampede. It ruins everything for everyone and causes a lot of panic. But, it exposes the conundrum.....keep your cool and not rush to the store to buy 50 package of toilet paper and you are left with nothing.........freak out, do the wrong and selfish thing and you get home with all the loot.

I read a government study several years ago on the estimates of the toll if we experience a grid-down situation and the government estimates were starting as to death within a year - so much so that I had my doubts slightly, but this little snapshot of scared people cleaning the stores out has made me a believer in those estimates. I just thought Americans would have more consideration for their neighbors than to get into fist fights over the last package of toilet paper. This happened at my local grocery store - two 50 yr old women in full brawl mode over the last package of toilet paper.
I saw an interesting bit of trivia yesterday..
1820 we had Yellow fever
1920 we had Pneumonic plague
2020 we have Covid- 19 Coronavirus.....
I agree this too shall pass....
Has anyone else noticed a shortage of distilled water ? My mom uses a CPAP and uses the gallon size bottle from Wal-Mart of the distilled water and she is running low on distilled water and went to buy some more during her regular shopping ( not hoarding ) and she informed me that they were completely sold out of All the distilled water.... My wife works in a grocery store deli so she is checking at her work today to see if they have any.. My wife's store gets a delivery truck today so if she has to she will get her fellow coworkers to put a bottle or 2 aside for her to purchase for my mom if they were out and got any today before she comes home this afternoon.... Its crazy how people are doing, I mean people need to realize others need basic stuff too....
Has anyone else noticed a shortage of distilled water ? My mom uses a CPAP and uses the gallon size bottle from Wal-Mart of the distilled water and she is running low on distilled water and went to buy some more during her regular shopping ( not hoarding ) and she informed me that they were completely sold out of All the distilled water.... My wife works in a grocery store deli so she is checking at her work today to see if they have any.. My wife's store gets a delivery truck today so if she has to she will get her fellow coworkers to put a bottle or 2 aside for her to purchase for my mom if they were out and got any today before she comes home this afternoon.... Its crazy how people are doing, I mean people need to realize others need basic stuff too....
I guess people figured that distilled water was the next best thing if the bottled water was sold out. It's a bit crazy how people seem to be acting. We've been out of town this past week, but I'm afraid to see what we come home to....
Has anyone else noticed a shortage of distilled water ? My mom uses a CPAP and uses the gallon size bottle from Wal-Mart of the distilled water and she is running low on distilled water and went to buy some more during her regular shopping ( not hoarding ) and she informed me that they were completely sold out of All the distilled water.... My wife works in a grocery store deli so she is checking at her work today to see if they have any.. My wife's store gets a delivery truck today so if she has to she will get her fellow coworkers to put a bottle or 2 aside for her to purchase for my mom if they were out and got any today before she comes home this afternoon.... Its crazy how people are doing, I mean people need to realize others need basic stuff too....

If you still can't find some distilled water and your mom needs it you can always make it. It's not that difficult. Here is a link below. Yes the panicking going on is getting out of hand. Before a local supermarket put a limit on how many of an item you can purchase I saw a women put 37 bottle of hand sanitizer in here cart along with another cart filled with like 5 packages of 30 rolls of toilet paper!

I guess people figured that distilled water was the next best thing if the bottled water was sold out. It's a bit crazy how people seem to be acting. We've been out of town this past week, but I'm afraid to see what we come home to....
I agree.. Its sad. But in my state we started the week with no cases of the virus and now we have like 13 so I guess I see where their fear comes from but we all need to look out for each other though....
Also in the short term you can use tap water in a CPAP or if need be don’t use any. I always run mine with no water just for personal preference.
If you still can't find some distilled water and your mom needs it you can always make it. It's not that difficult. Here is a link below. Yes the panicking going on is getting out of hand. Before a local supermarket put a limit on how many of an item you can purchase I saw a women put 37 bottle of hand sanitizer in here cart along with another cart filled with like 5 packages of 30 rolls of toilet paper!

Thank you for the link. If it comes down to it she can do that. Before she used the distilled water she used to boil her water and they also have one of those water cooler things with the big bottle jugs of water on top. And they always keep 2 or 3 extra jugs in case of power outages ... Again thanks for the reply..
Also in the short term you can use tap water in a CPAP or if need be don’t use any. I always run mine with no water just for personal preference.
Yes she used to boil her own water before she started using distilled and if she has to I guess she can do that again..she uses water in hers and to clean it with.... Thanks for the reply.
Before a local supermarket put a limit on how many of an item you can purchase I saw a women put 37 bottle of hand sanitizer in here cart along with another cart filled with like 5 packages of 30 rolls of toilet paper!
Maybe she worked for this guy....

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