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Corona Virus

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We have several cases in Texas and some are in the small towns. I work in downtown Dallas and it’s getting sketchy. Our office is implementing work remotely and testing BCP. And a policy to stay home 14 days, with pay, if you are sick or have traveled to a hot spot. But alas, no TP here in our small town, for a couple weeks now.
Just about time for my 2nd conference call of the day about this. Boy how I would like to just work on unpacking.
Maybe she worked for this guy....

I just read the article on that guy and he says he now is looking into how to donate some of his stock ( probably because every state someone was in that bought his stuff before he got kicked off amazon is looking at charging him and everyone else who price gouged both on the state and federal level )...... I mean we are having to go to multiple places just to get baby wipes for my kids who are in pull ups in case they have an accident....this is crazy
Schools all closed in my county until mid April now. The government agency I work for prepped us for working from home Friday. The type of work I do really can't be done remotely so I'm not sure what I'll do to earn a paycheck. They've also stopped selling heroine and meth in my area, they are making more money selling toilet paper.

I predict pet food shortages next....................and CDC warning not to blow out birthday candles on cakes at birthday parties.
If you still can't find some distilled water and your mom needs it you can always make it. It's not that difficult. Here is a link below. Yes the panicking going on is getting out of hand. Before a local supermarket put a limit on how many of an item you can purchase I saw a women put 37 bottle of hand sanitizer in here cart along with another cart filled with like 5 packages of 30 rolls of toilet paper!

My dad went and found her some gallon sized distilled water earlier today. someone told him about a store locally to them that had some.. the place still was charging the normal price for it too which was a plus.
My dad went and found her some gallon sized distilled water earlier today. someone told him about a store locally to them that had some.. the place still was charging the normal price for it too which was a plus.
Glad you found some and for a reasonable price. 👍🏼
the craziest thing has been happening in my state yesterday today and tomorrow.. the city has still let the St Patrick's Day events take place !!!!!!!!!!!!!! there was a 5k run this morning with over 450 people And the local Irish Pub which has sponsered the st patricks day events is having their party on the square event which attracts several THOUSAND !!!!!!! and another bar is Having their event too which spills into the other pubs event which can increase the event by ANOTHER thousand !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! those people are CRAZY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!oh and as a side note our state has also declared a statewide state of emergency......
My workplace (trucking and warehousing) is now fully implementing their business contingency plans; I spoke to my director about BCP and she looked at me funny and said "Bladder control pads?".... yup, acronyms mean different things to different industries 🤪 .

No inter-warehouse travel for anyone, including our drivers; they will be dedicated to a specific warehouse and have sanitizers to use before/after making a drop or pick-up at a customers place. Shifts will have no overlap with staff spending time to sanitize at end-of-shift before the next shift arrives (10 mins after they leave). Office (where I work) will have doors taped off so that there is no warehouse access (and vice versa), and 1/2 the staff is work-from-home so as to limit impact if someone comes down with something.

Good to see them taking reasonable and non-panicked measures to try to protect their workers as well as maintain deliveries; we ship many things, including sanitizers, to many places in ON, including Costco, Wallymart, pharmacies and non-perishables to groceries.
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Schools all closed in my county until mid April now. The government agency I work for prepped us for working from home Friday.

Can't be the NYS Government, we're pretty inept. Lol.

They've also stopped selling heroine and meth in my area, they are making more money selling toilet paper.

Yep. Sounds about right. [emoji1787]

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So the wife hit the store today to pick up a bit of meat for the freezer. Two separate stores had the meat sections wiped out. Also pet food is flying off the shelves.
So yeah it was a crazy few days. I think AZ Governor declared SOE on Wednesday evening and Tucson did likewise on Thursday. unfortunately for us we were at our normal time to do a major grocery shopping trip. That was a major pain. Had to go to 3 different stores just to get our normal groceries. luckily we got our normal TP and paper towels last week. I hope people aren't grabbing the paper towels because the TP is gone. Plumbing work might be extremely lucrative in the near future.

Things at work have also gone nuts in the last several days. We moved some systems to some new servers as they needed to be brought up to date and the way we will be utilizing those systems is altering for better operational security, but there have been complications(go figure). On top of that they announced that employees who are sick or have sick families should stay home a d if you come in sick you will be sent home. well, my coworker who would be on nights this weekend hit both the family and personal illness status so instead of working a day shift today I ended up working tonight. they are also working to put together the tech for us to do as much of the normal office work at home so that we can keep the old electrons flowing. it's going to be an interesting few weeks to be sure.
So the wife hit the store today to pick up a bit of meat for the freezer. Two separate stores had the meat sections wiped out. Also pet food is flying off the shelves.
we ordered our normal restock of meat from our butcher and they called us a few hours before pickup time to let us know it would be delayed by a few hours. I still ended up waiting for a bit but we managed to get our 90'bs of beef and pork home and in the deep freeze. apparently they had 9+ similar orders to fill that day which was about 50% more than their normal.
it lasts us a good chunk of the year. about 22lbs is freshly ground beef of a quality and price that the grocery stores around here just can't match! we mix in plenty of fish too but can't do chicken anymore unfortunately. at least not for my wife.
Don’t try to excuse the fact that you just stuffed an amount of meat equal to the weight of a growing teen into your deep freezer!
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