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May 2023 Grand Sumo Tournament Contest and Discussion

A few drops today.

Chiyonokuni - injuries to both knees
Enho - hurt his neck prior to basho, which makes sense now why his performance seemed so poor.

Kotoshoho - No apparent reason other than losing streak (per Natto)

And Endo dropped yesterday for knee joint sprains.
WHAT There is no way Hokuseiho pulled that off!!!! UWATENAGEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!
Video starts at 12:41

that was insane, how did Hokuseiho stay in!?

Best day of the Basho, lots of great matches, even the quick ones were interesting like Kribyama's arm pull.
Terunafuji s a Beast!
Ura's win was nice too, using his brand of sumo so well.

Wakmotoharu's head dive scared the bejesus out of me.
Ya that did not look good, with all that weight and for the duration before he flipped that was bad Probably a Cervical X ray in his future