- Pre-shave: Warm shower and coconut and coffee scrub
- Razor: jectah
- Blade: question mark?
- Brush: TSC 2nd anniversary
- Soap: CBL Master Barber Green Valley Links
- Aftershave: Thayer's Original
- Frag: Acqua di Parma Colonia
- Music: Every Time I Die - From Parts Unknown
I totally forgot that I was going to use Pharaoh's Dreamsicle like I told @fhalden. Oops. But I also forgot that I have the new CBL soap base hidden in my drawer. I don't know what it is about these latest releases, but I'm not getting any scents, with the exception of ROS, which is just perfect. Anyway. I had a phenomenal lather and the slickness was off the dang charts. I really enjoyed the performance of this base. The seemingly absent scent made it super easy to pair a frag. Acqua do Parma is king this week. Geez, this is classy stuff.

Lots of screaming. If you can get past the screaming and listen to the lyrics, they're really quite poetic in nature. The vocalist has a master's degree in literature, used to teach English, and is a published author. The song posted above is actually about himself, "I'm the idiot." He's had quite a battle with drugs and alcohol and despite his lyrical prowess, he denies that he's anything that us fans think of him.
All I want is for everyone to go to hell
It's the last place I was seen before I lost myself
All I want is for everyone to come to hell
There we can be free an learn to love ourselves
I bought my mom some concha slippers. I don't know how to describe what a concha is without looking it up. Google it. She got them this morning and told me that she loves them, but "I'm gonna want conchas all the time now." I'm glad she liked them, although she didn't believe that I bought them at all. I think that's enough life lessons and Mexican sweet bread talk. I'm gonna go read or something. I hope you're all enjoying your weekend. Thanks for reading, Cadre.