The Shaving Cadre

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What Fragrance Did You Use Today?

Heeley - Rose Aria
Continuing the rose kick. I wore Bagatelle Roma during the day, the leather note really started to pop for me and it's just the kind I love. It's almost like one of those optical illusions, the rose turns into leather and visa versa.
So as it wore off thought I go for another rose, but so far this just isn't in the same league. I'm surprised after the incredible Eau Sacre, and this being in the same Extrait line. But this is a fresh cut rose ( the good part) buried by a saffron/musk combo that sort of sniffles the whole affair. A bit like when you go to a concert with a bad mix, the rose is buried under the bass. It does have a very Heeley DNA, almost making it like someone added rose water to Sea Marin (which is a fabulous summer scent.)
Will have to try it another time, but not what I was hoping for tonight.
PM. Ormonde Jayne - Ormonde Man
Got this on our local perfume BST group. Funny Ormonde Man was one I really wanted to find in Tallinn, but no luck. Considering the price a no regret blind buy.
Holy green juniper batman! It reads as a very modern perfume, oddly giving me a niche Terre d'Hermes vibe. Maybe bad boy Terre vibes. Super easy safe wear that's still unique. Maybe not my usual style but happy to have this for when occasion warrants. I'm sure as it warms up (can't get any colder than it is now!) I'lll get more out of this.
Pierre Guillaume - Arabian Horse
The more I use this the more I see it truly lives up to its name, and that it's quite simply a masterpiece. In Pierre Guillaume's way, this manages to be supremely wearable, while capturing the feel of a horse stable. Thankfully a clean horse stable, no poop, no skank, just a clean hay with a subtle sent of a just brushed horse in the background. In between the two is chypre structure that turns this from being a simple representation of a stable to a masterful perfume.
In my collection, this is a contender for the GOAT, it's that good to me. Though admittedly you have to enjoy fragrances that are retro, and smell like perfume. It's 100% masculine on me, but not in your 70's powerhouse way.

Pierre Guillaume Arabian Horse.jpg
Loewe pour Homme (Vintage)
Fragrances like these justify the perhaps hackneyed expression "they don't make them like they used to". Even with the top lone since burnt off, there's a depth and richness here you don't find now. And a lack of pretension, there's a working man's vibe here, but form a time that working men were honored, and dosed with great smelling fragrances.
Still holds up today, at least in cold weather this feels like it could be from indy/niche house.

Loewe pour Homme.jpg