Came from the winery. Wife’s requestThat's one helluva decanter!
You will not it’s alcool with flavouring added.Booooooo!!!
Okay, I promise that when I see this at the liquor store, I will pick up every flavour that they have.
You're right. I meant to put alcohol, not liquor. I think the official term is flavored malt isn’t....tell Sir what type of liquor is in It?
“Ain’t no laws when your drinking Claws”...I get it and they are hugely popular...but a bottle of flavoured vodka, ala Ketel One or pick a brand (preferably with real flavours from botanicals) club soda, ice and a slice of lemon or lime will crush ANY Claw. Also, waaay cheaper. Just sayin....You're right. I meant to put alcohol, not liquor. I think the official term is flavored malt beverage.
It ain't classy but it sure is refreshing after a long 105° day.
I respect your commitment for jabs with integrityI looked up White Claw online; it's a seltzer.
But I will still try them just so I can be entitled to make fun of Chad