The Shaving Cadre

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What are you drinking tonight?

Can I say I'm finding it very interesting and sometimes frustrating finding out how much the taste of whisky changes from day to day? I'll go back to something I know I loved and find it just ok, or something I'm not in the mood for. Last night I decided to give Laphroiag Port & Wine cask another go. I wasn't thrilled with it when I've had it in the past. It was super interesting this time. The first sips were a nice round fruity sweetness followed by the smoky punch. About halfway through, I decided to try with water. That was very yummy. I like at $90 I still won't be tracking down a backup bottle, but the change in taste was fun. But, also frustrating when you're trying to decide on full bottle purchases from one sample.
Anyone ever has this? Thinking I would grab it for $100. Not sure at $140.
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I have not and there are none at the LCBO. That seems a hefty discount. From a straight exchange angle that would equate to $120 CDN a bottle and a Quarter Cask sells for $89 and a 10 for $79. I’d snap it up at that price here in Canada. Laphroig Lore sells for $199!
I have not and there are none at the LCBO. That seems a hefty discount. From a straight exchange angle that would equate to $120 CDN a bottle and a Quarter Cask sells for $89 and a 10 for $79. I’d snap it up at that price here in Canada. Laphroig Lore sells for $199!
Done deal. If my wife asks, Ed told me to.