The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

What are you drinking tonight?

Oh and apparently y’all afraid to post on this thread…come on! I can hear you pouring! :sneaky:
Now that the excitement of Dave’s Christmas samplers is used up, on the occasion I do have a drink (maybe 2-3 evening a week), it’s one or the other of the same to bottles as previous. I’ve been making a preemptive attack on any whiskey AD and limiting myself to only ever having 2 bottles at a time.
Oh and apparently y’all afraid to post on this thread…come on! I can hear you pouring! :sneaky:
Tonight was Laphroaig Quarter Cask. I poured a nice strong scotch with the idea it would be paired with a pipe. Went outside and the air had cooled off a bit too quickly so I nursed it nice and slow like inside.
Now that the excitement of Dave’s Christmas samplers is used up, on the occasion I do have a drink (maybe 2-3 evening a week), it’s one or the other of the same to bottles as previous. I’ve been making a preemptive attack on any whiskey AD and limiting myself to only ever having 2 bottles at a time.
Tonight was Laphroaig Quarter Cask. I poured a nice strong scotch with the idea it would be paired with a pipe. Went outside and the air had cooled off a bit too quickly so I nursed it nice and slow like inside.
meet Night... ;)
It's still above 80 degrees tonight so we're out on the back porch and I'm sipping on rum punch made with Hampden overproofed. Very strong, very tasty.
