The Shaving Cadre

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What are you anxiously waiting to be delivered ???

A J.M. Garrett, Greater KC, razor. Another Kansas City (made in Germany for this barber supply company) straight razor to add to the collection.


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I just realized I should have put the arrival part in the mail call and not what I was waiting for.. Sorry people....Well have a great day everyone.
A J.M. Garrett, Greater KC, razor. Another Kansas City (made in Germany for this barber supply company) straight razor to add to the collection.
Nice. I have yet to find any KC razors. I think I might have a St. Louis one.
A really nice looking, new to me, Gillette Super Adjustable (Black Beauty) razor.
Don't soak it in hot soapy dish water. I learned that if they have any little spots of enamel loss, the potmetal/Aluminum will pit out! I've experienced it twice with longer soaks, so shorter soaks/ scrubs should not affect it.

Don't soak it in hot soapy dish water. I learned that if they have any little spots of enamel loss, the potmetal/Aluminum will pit out! I've experienced it twice with longer soaks, so shorter soaks/ scrubs should not affect it.

Or OxyClean....yeah yeah I know I'm dumbass on that one, but just thought I'd let my idocy from years and years ago shine through as a lesson for all.
Definitely enablers in these parts.

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I have the original but haven’t used it yet. What aftershave pairs well with it? Well … I guess I should wait until delivered to ask that question.
I used it a few days ago. Here's what I said about the scent:
The scent to my nose is very nice with tobacco, light citrus, pepper and woody (cedar?) notes standing out most prominently.

The AS options are really wide open IMO with this soap..
I used it a few days ago. Here's what I said about the scent:

The AS options are really wide open IMO with this soap..
Thanks Mark! I either missed that or well … missed it. I thought I smelled cedar off the puck and I am not a cedar fan at all.