The Shaving Cadre

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Smart Helix Apollo Light - Full Set
This is a first for me guys, I've only had vintage razors and inexpensive modern ones. But I've been carefully watching the high end razor space, before settling on the Smart Helix.
So, for the unititiated….. this forum is small and many of us don’t venture beyond the hallowed walls of the cadre…… what is it? What does full set mean? And where can we get it (if inclined)?
I hear you man! I was that way for years, and really didn't expect to find anything that would unequivocally sway me. Here's some of my reasons, I'll start a thread when I actually get it.
  • I've been reading a lot of reviews on it, and they are all saying it's a great smooth but efficient shaver. And a lot of owners wondering why it's not getting more attention.
  • I have a thing for that retro Soviet styling
  • I've been really watching what I like and don't like in my razors, in fact I've just been using Fatips and Gibbs Adjustable lately because they seem to give me the best post shave feeling. I've got a big problem with itchy neck hair when it comes back in. The design of the Apollo seems to follow similar angles and a cap centric shave, which is what agrees with me.
  • I thought having at least one razor with a touch longer handle would be nice.
  • The local shave community has a few folks who have one and they are all really happy with it, including the pickiest guy I know, who owns a number of high end razors. I think that's what put me over the top.
Also ironically, I'm really trying to reduce the amount of stuff in my cabinet, it's sort of dysfunctional. I'd rather just have a few nice things that actually fit the space.

Anyway, for me, it's definitely a big deal. I know there are lots of guys who go though high end razors like candy, but for me, this is likely a once (few) in a lifetime purchase.
Thank you sir, great reasoning!
So, for the unititiated….. this forum is small and many of us don’t venture beyond the hallowed walls of the cadre…… what is it? What does full set mean? And where can we get it (if inclined)?
I actually first saw this razor here! I forget who posted it. It's a Smart Helix Apollo Light, the full set means both the mild and mid aggressive heads, and a stand, it's all there in the picture.

Smart Helix is in Ukraine, which is one of the reasons I felt good about the purchase, since it's more local to me, and their economy can really use the boost. (Ukraine isn't part of Russia, but was part of the former Soviet Union. They might be part of the EU one day.)
I actually first saw this razor here!
Possibly. If so, I think on ok the folks who mentioned this razor, is no longer an active member. Either way, I think a more I depth history and explanation is warranted.
Hope that made sense…. My autotorect made a mess of it. Tried to fix, but site wouldn’t allow my fixes.
Hope that made sense…. My autotorect made a mess of it. Tried to fix, but site wouldn’t allow my fixes.
That limited time edit gets us all!

Here's the thread where I saw it, including me saying how cool I thought it was. More info when I get it, but looks like Scuttlesoap has the original version that had a heavier two sided head.

I think the Light version has less blade feel on the milder head though.

Here’s the website:

You can also just the razor head. I know they appear expensive, but if you like at that this is machined and hand polished, and also the wood tongue in groove box ot comes in - no glue, the wrapping paper, it is truly a piece of art IMO.

The Apollo Light has some features the regular one doesn’t - the laser etching on the base plates look really neat . I know a lot of people collect the the vintage razors - and I truly appreciate that - I think for me - I’m on the opposite side of the spectrum - i like the new engineered styles - as long as they pay tribute to our past.

the lite is similar to the style of the Karve - different baseplates to provide different levels of efficiency. It comes with two different plates and they are specially marked.

The Apollo heavy is in the style of the Rockwell in that you have two different levels of efficiency on one baseplate by flipping it on one side or the other.

they both have the same handle that, while fairly heavy is really well balanced. The Apollo heavy (with the head) is over 200 grams, the Lite is lighter as the baseplate(s) are less thick.

i have to say from my experience - the owners are very approachable and they provide good customer service - very responsive.
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So, for the unititiated….. this forum is small and many of us don’t venture beyond the hallowed walls of the cadre…… what is it? What does full set mean? And where can we get it (if inclined)?

I actually first saw this razor here! I forget who posted it. It's a Smart Helix Apollo Light, the full set means both the mild and mid aggressive heads, and a stand, it's all there in the picture.

Smart Helix is in Ukraine, which is one of the reasons I felt good about the purchase, since it's more local to me, and their economy can really use the boost. (Ukraine isn't part of Russia, but was part of the former Soviet Union. They might be part of the EU one day.)

That limited time edit gets us all!

Here's the thread where I saw it, including me saying how cool I thought it was. More info when I get it, but looks like Scuttlesoap has the original version that had a heavier two sided head.

I think the Light version has less blade feel on the milder head though.

Here’s the website:

You can also just the razor head. I know they appear expensive, but if you like at that this is machined and hand polished, and also the wood tongue in groove box ot comes in - no glue, the wrapping paper, it is truly a piece of art IMO.

The Apollo Light has some features the regular one doesn’t - the laser etching on the base plates look really neat . I know a lot of people collect the the vintage razors - and I truly appreciate that - I think for me - I’m on the opposite side of the spectrum - i like the new engineered styles - as long as they pay tribute to our past.

the lite is similar to the style of the Karve - different baseplates to provide different levels of efficiency. It comes with two different plates and they are specially marked.

The Apollo heavy is in the style of the Rockwell in that you have two different levels of efficiency on one baseplate by flipping it on one side or the other.

they both have the same handle that, while fairly heavy is really well balanced. The Apollo heavy (with the head) is over 200 grams, the Lite is lighter as the baseplate(s) are less thick.

i have to say from my experience - the owners are very approachable and they provide good customer service - very responsive.
there is currently one that is BIN on ebay that is a Smart-Helix Apollo (Light) SS Safety Razor Head, with Tibam Titanium Handle listed at $ 225.00
I processed an excellent trade over the weekend and unloaded some of my vintage Gillette’s and a couple shave ready straights, that were collecting dust for some excellent Swedish Steel! Two more Heljestrand MK 32’s and an MK 31. All are in great condition(the MK31 looks like the only one with any wear on it) with original boxes, now for the wait, they are shipping from Denmark.
A total impulse purchase for me - MacDuffs Coast-to-Coast. I don't have any Canadian software, and the image on the front of this tub reminds me of a wonderful trip my wife and I took to Quebec City and Jacques-Cartier National Park in autumn. Notes look interesting and I'm hoping it evokes as much nostalgia in me as that image does.

A total impulse purchase for me - MacDuffs Coast-to-Coast. I don't have any Canadian software, and the image on the front of this tub reminds me of a wonderful trip my wife and I took to Quebec City and Jacques-Cartier National Park in autumn. Notes look interesting and I'm hoping it evokes as much nostalgia in me as that image does.
I am greatly interested and how you like it - especially the scent - the notes do indeed like it'd be a great overall scent!
I processed an excellent trade over the weekend and unloaded some of my vintage Gillette’s and a couple shave ready straights, that were collecting dust for some excellent Swedish Steel! Two more Heljestrand MK 32’s and an MK 31. All are in great condition(the MK31 looks like the only one with any wear on it) with original boxes, now for the wait, they are shipping from Denmark.
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Wow. I need to get one of those, someday.