The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

What are you anxiously waiting to be delivered ???

Just a couple of items for my Rudolph buddy

You never see Crabtree and Evelyn Mysore Sandalwood at a good price. It's usually $75-125. Found this one on the auction site for a Buy it Now, at a really nice price. Hopefully this one is vintage enough that it will LATHER... My other two C&E soaps are glorified body soaps, AKA JUNK......
You never see Crabtree and Evelyn Mysore Sandalwood at a good price. It's usually $75-125. Found this one on the auction site for a Buy it Now, at a really nice price. Hopefully this one is vintage enough that it will LATHER... My other two C&E soaps are glorified body soaps, AKA JUNK......
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From the pictures, it looks VERY well kept. Hopefully that equates to a good buy. [emoji106]
oh just to let you know I did go by that shop i told you about that had that set a while back right after i told you i would but she had already sold it in an online auction she held so it was gone.... Sorry i didnt get back to you sooner about it.
No problem at all, It all worked out. Thank you!
My fantastic Sister-in-Law, who lives in Minsk, Belarus mailed this awesome selection of TDS Shaving Soaps today. They are made in the Northeastern region of Belarus, near the Russian boarder, in the town of Vitebsk. It is not easy to order their products, because their website has a Russian URL and cannot be found by searching for it in English(why My SiL ordered it for me). Also, the English translator on the site is horrible, the add to cart button says “in garbage.” 😞

I’ve seen a few reviews for the soaps and they seem really slick and creamy! She ordered me: Menthol, West Indian Sandalwood, and Evergreen Juniper. Now the wait begins, I’m expecting to see it by around Christmas due to the international shipping and domestic issues within Belarus.
My fantastic Sister-in-Law, who lives in Minsk, Belarus mailed this awesome selection of TDS Shaving Soaps today. They are made in the Northeastern region of Belarus, near the Russian boarder, in the town of Vitebsk. It is not easy to order their products, because their website has a Russian URL and cannot be found by searching for it in English(why My SiL ordered it for me). Also, the English translator on the site is horrible, the add to cart button says “in garbage.” 😞

I’ve seen a few reviews for the soaps and they seem really slick and creamy! She ordered me: Menthol, West Indian Sandalwood, and Evergreen Juniper. Now the wait begins, I’m expecting to see it by around Christmas due to the international shipping and domestic issues within Belarus.
View attachment 38444
nice...looks like decent prices also if my converter is correct then the soaps are about 4 usd a piece...