The Shaving Cadre

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uacowboy's razor rodeo

Yep, checking on getting a part for ours to get it going again before higher temps prevail. Better to catch it now before the dead of summer. You get hotter out there but the humidity here is killer esp in the 90's and 10's when they get hit. Hope yours get's squared away without too much pain.
Yeah lack of humidity is a huge saving grace with the heat. Good luck with yours as well!
On the plus side we have 2 rooms that were added on and have their own wall unit ACs so we can stay cool in those while we wait, and its only supposed to be in the 90s today so thats good too.
Never been a big fan of wall units (most I’ve seen are just eyesores), but this is one saving grace of them over having only centralized...low chance of them going out all at once!

Hope the main unit gets it’s fix!
AC update. The compressor is dead. Gotta wait for parts to arrive so no AC till Thursday afternoon.

Sorry about that. When I worked at Home Depot quite a few years back there was a customer that dealt with something similar. He said that the window units helped out a lot.
Sorry about that. When I worked at Home Depot quite a few years back there was a customer that dealt with something similar. He said that the window units helped out a lot.
Yeah. They provide a nice area to retreat to and keep the kids cool and happy.
Sorry to hear Kyle. Mine needs a part too. T valve on the handler I think he said. hopefully this week, But mine is working, just slower to cool. Hope yo get yours wrapped up Thursday (y)

Needed a nice refreshing shave this morning to help me stay cool. So of course I grabbed my favorite freeze you face soap and a classic cooling AS to follow. Felt much better after the shower(used Stirling's mentha scrub. @Joe Hackett this soap is amazing) and shave.

Also, the ordering guy for the AC company ordered the wrong compressor.... but they managed to find the right one locally after all so the tech got here an hour early and is already working to get us cooled off. If they hadn't found the part the right one wouldn't have arrived until Tuesday so I'm very glad they found it.

And yes @bentheduck , I'm staying hydrated!

Have a good one Cadre!

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Nice shave, Kyle. I'm starting to think I should've gone with your sample of Cryogen myself. The humidity is killing us.