The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

uacowboy's razor rodeo

I don't think it's the original handle but the knurling is really nice and it adds some nice weight.
You’re correct, it’s a Maggard handle. The aluminum General handle is very similar to the brass General handle shape, and was aluminum of course.

My Friday and Saturday shaves. ToF just called my name this morning and I I still enjoying the scent more than 12 hrs later. This could easily be a signature scent for me. absolutely LOVE it!

As for the General, all three shaves were very good and if the price was right I might even consider one because I like the aesthetics of it but it's not really a must have. Tomorrow I will swap the blade to one of the occam razors and give that a few shaves.

Gave the Oren its first run and that went really well. A few weepers but nothing crazy. Very smooth shaver.

Lisa's Barber Shoppe from the TSC 2nd anniversary box is fantastic. love the scent and performance was great as expected, even with me not building the lather very well.

The brush from tge same anniversary box was good too. Love the handle. Not as much splay as I like normally but a very nice and great looking brush for sure.

Video in the vlog section.
This was Tuesdays shave. Didn't shave Monday so I could see hot the oren handled a 2 day growth. It handled it just fine and i had a great shave.

The hipster is pretty great. The citus/floral notes are what really stand out to me in the soap. The aftershave came out really strong with the alcohol at first(same way sharp dressed man seems to) but as it dried down i got more of the scent. Its not as sweet smelling as the soap and maybe has a bit more of the g e darker notes coming through but I couldn't pick anything out in particular.


And today's shave. This master barber formula from is pretty fantastic. The scent from this one is a nice, fresh, green scent. I like it a lot.

So final thoughts on the oren. I really like this razor. If I decide that I want an AC style SE, this is top of the list so far. Super smooth shaver. Can't wait to get to the Enoch next!
On the home front,

Everyone in my house it doing well. This week has been a bit more stressful since i have to sleep during the day and my wife has to juggle the kids and work. so far that has been going ok though. I made a big batch of zucchini bread muffins monday night while i stayed up all night to get into night shift mode and i've made sandwiches for her to give the kids at lunchtime. Also managed to cover dinner before leaving for work. the other interesting bit has been that i am sleeping in a hammock in a different room because my wife's WFH setup is in our bedroom so i can't sleep in there while she talks to clients.

Next week will be a bit more interesting with me being on days and not home at all durring the day. After that, unless things change, i will be off for 2 weeks. 1st one would be my week to cover anyone taking time off or working as the second on the desk. They have decided to have the second stay home and are supposed to get us laptops that we can help out with some of the computer work from home in needed but otherwise it'll just be paid time off that doesn't count towards our normal bank of PTO which is nice. the second week off is just the normal week off in my schedule.

Hope everyone is doing well and a big shoutout to all the Essential workers that still have to head into the office to keep things running, especially Medical and first-responders.
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Glad you and your family are well, Kyle. Thanks for staying home, traffic is light, trimming 5-10 minutes from my morning and afternoon commutes. ;)
I can’t image a back feeling too well after a night in a hammock
I can’t image a back feeling too well after a night in a hammock
I'm not giving up a bed for a hammock full time or anything but it's actually not bad. I slept in one for more than a month a few years ago while doing work on the house before the wife and kids could move in. the dogs needed to be there so i did too. with no furniture yet i just used the hammock. the key is to sleep slightly diagonal and you end up laying much flatter.
Last Thursdays shave.
Got an ok shave with the Enoch for its first use. Couldn't seem to find the proper angle with it. Everything else was fantastic though.

Round 2 with the Enoch was much better. Has a few days of growth to remove and it did a great job. I compared the head to my injector and realized that the angle is actually a bit more acute with the handle and that I'd need to hold the handle much closer to my face for proper blade contact.

Also got good lather with the brush off the hard soap, just still has a lot of backbone for face lathering.


Today's shave was pretty similar to yesterday. It takes a good amount of attention to keep the angle right with this one. Seems very unnatural to hold the handle so close to the face. I'd have to say I'm not a fan of this one.

In other news,

Well I am way behind on the forums once again. Spent most of the weekend offline doing stuff with the family. The kids dyed eggs which came out pretty nice. First time using the eggs from our own chickens for it.

And after

I used some of those to try making scotch eggs for the first time and everyone was pretty happy with them. Can't wait to try them with chorizo next time!

Hope everyone is doing well.
Eggs and chorizo will always be a favorite of mine from my childhood. There is a place back home that makes the best egg and chorizo breakfast burritos. Everytime my wife and I go back I go there at least every other morning. Nice shaves Kyle! What did you think of LNHC Barber Shoppe?
Eggs and chorizo will always be a favorite of mine from my childhood. There is a place back home that makes the best egg and chorizo breakfast burritos. Everytime my wife and I go back I go there at least every other morning. Nice shaves Kyle! What did you think of LNHC Barber Shoppe?
chorizo breakfast burritos are a big favorite in our house for sure!

I am loving the LNHC Barber Shoppe. it's really good stuff
Chorizo and eggs are incredible. Darn, now I can’t get my mind off of them. Need to find a place around here that has good chorizo.

Well I put shave 32 on the Shark Super Stainless. Still very smooth and got myself a nice BBS shave. I decided I needed a good strong scent for the day so of course I reached for the VEG! I splashed it on pretty heavy too.

I slept really well last night. It was one of those wake up in the exact same position that you laid down and not remembering anything after putting head to pillow kinda sleeps. Now if only my alarm hadn't ruined it!

Looking forward to TSC Zoom round 2 tonight.

Hope ya'll have a great day and that @Dave in KY gets his internet back!