The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

uacowboy's razor rodeo

I’ve been real curious about B&M Terror. I’ve only ever had a sample of A B&M soap but it performed great. The scent description on this one sounded pretty interesting.
SOTD 7.14.18

AoS Dovo
Ever Ready w/ two band badger
LNHC Green Irish Tweed
Thayers Coconut Water
Avon Deep Woods


Man, almost forgot to post this. Very nice shave with a fantastically scented soap. This is for sure one of my favorites in the collection now. Beyond that just a good BBS shave to start my day.

Also for those playing shave golf this week that's a -1 for me today.
SOTD 7.14.18

AoS Dovo63
Ever Ready w/ two65 band badger
LNHC Green Irish Tweed
Thayers Coconut Water
Avon Deep Woods

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Man, almost forgot to post this. Very nice shave with a fantastically scented soap. This is for sure one of my favorites in the collection now. Beyond that just a good BBS shave to start my day.

Also for those playing shave golf this week that's a -1 for me today.
Nice shave and pic Kyle. That was the way to get the day going50
SOTD 7.17.19

Gillette New SC
Gillette Nacet (4)
Omega Boar
CBL Dragons Blood
Thayers Coconut Water
Florida Water


Saw this soap and AS combo from @Spider yesterday and thought that sounded like a great combo for th his morning. Great DSBBS today (which I'm now saying is darn slick BBS since @NurseDave ruined dolphins 🤪 ).

Came off night shift yesterday morning and now I'm back at the deck this morning and tomorrow. The hard swap is rough but after tomorrow I have 8 days off before my next shift. No PTO needed.

Have a great day Cadre.
Ya, sorry about that, but I'm still using DSBBS just because it sounds cool. We'll just say it feels as slick as a dolphin's skin looks.
SOTD 7.18.19

Schick J2 Injector
Schick blade (15)
TSC 1st anniversary brush "Talon"
CBL Ghost Lime
Thayers Coconut Water
Stirling Lime AS with menthol


I had originally intended to use a Straight today but didn't feel like I was awake enough or that so I just grabbed the Jectah for and easy autopilot shave. It seems the nav computer in this thing is pretty darn good cause I actually ended up with a DSBBS again so that's cool.

I am so very ready for my days off. I might be extending it a day too because I realized I'm just about maxed on my PTO and need to take some so I don't start losing it!
Nice shave Kyle! Mindless is good sometimes!

I understand the need for it, but I hate the “use it or lose it” policy on did earn it after all. Hope you’re able to put it to some good use!
Looks like you need a refill on that Stirling Lime!

Nice shave Kyle! Mindless is good sometimes!

I understand the need for it, but I hate the “use it or lose it” policy on did earn it after all. Hope you’re able to put it to some good use!
We have the same use it or lose it policy. In the past my boss has been cool about unofficially rolling over unused time, but she's leaving next month. So I'm sure now we'll be back to a strict use it or lose it deal.