The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

uacowboy's razor rodeo

SOTD 3/8/19

Frederick Reynolds SR
Ever Ready w/ two band badger
CFG Summer Storm (37)
CFG Summer Storm AS

Well we are nearing the end of the CFG 3017. I think I am the last one going now but by no means do I have the most shaves from a tub. I am guess I will get maybe 40 out of it in the end. I may replace it at some point but for now I will just enjoy knowing that I managed to empty the tub.

The shave this morning was good. Should have given the lather a touch more water for the SR shave but it was adequate. Came away BBS- without any irritation.


On the home front, everyone is doing well. Today is my Monday for this set but things should be pretty quiet. Got a fun project in the works that y'all will see soon enough I'm sure.

Have a great day Cadre.
I was torn on that scent the first time I smelled it. Wasn't sure if I hated it or liked it. Turns out I really like it.
I was torn on that scent the first time I smelled it. Wasn't sure if I hated it or liked it. Turns out I really like it.
Use it for 30 days straight and I’m sure you’ll be back to hating it ;)
well i work in groups of 3 and 4 days normally. 2 of my fridays are mondays along with a tuesday as a monday and 1 monday that is an actual monday.
SOTD 3/9/19

Gillette New SC w/ Voskhod (7)
Omega boar
CFG Summer Storm (38)
Clubman Whiskey Woods

My brain is not wanting to get going today. Almost forgot to post todays shave.

Had originally planned to do another SR shave today but decided against it. Just didn't have th he focus for it. Still got a good lather and shave though. Walked away with a solid BBS shave.


The end is near for the Summer Storm

About to pour a second cup of coffee and then get working on stuff.
Nice stuff and jealous of the sense of accomplishment of finishing a tub...........not enough to 3017 again but a little jealous non the less.
Nice stuff and jealous of the sense of accomplishment of finishing a tub...........not enough to 3017 again but a little jealous non the less.
thanks. but hey i think this is probably the first tub i have ever finished that wasn't a cream. and i think i only finished one of those
SOTD 3/10/19

AoS Dovo SR
Ever Ready w/ two band badger
CFG Summer Storm
CFG Summer Storm AS


Ok folks gather 'round the campfire, I got a story for you.

So I got up with my alarm as per usual on a work day and got my gear ready and took a shower. After that as I was stroping the razor I decided I want to make sure I got a real nice lather today in part because I was using a SR and also because this soap is almost done. So I keep the brush pretty wet for the load and was rewarded with tons of suds. Then I began face lathering and used to dip method to ensure I got a nice yogurt like consistency. It was nice. Did my first pass and everything was going pretty good. Lathered up for pass 2 and that went ok too. Had to reapply a couple time since Tucson doesn't even know what humidity is but that's normal in these parts. Finished up with my AS and it burned a bit but you know what? Yep like Tim always says, everything was right as rain.

Everything was not right as rain.

I finished getting ready and that's when I saw it. My wife's alarm clock said 04:10. Now that can only mean 1 of 2 things. 1 I gained super powers over night and I'm now the Flash... nope. I check my phone and it says 5:08.... well crap. Those evil programmers that push out the phone updates forced my phone off of Mountain Standard time and onto Mountain Daylight time. AGAIN!

Long story short, all a y'all outside AZ need to get your act together and write your congressional representatives and tell them to get rid of DST already cause it ain't doing nobody any good and is just a load of hooey to begin with.

Upside my food just got to my table at IHOP since I had an extra hour before work and nothing else is open yet.

Have a great day Cadre.
Ooh...bad luck with the time! Hey...everyone here is happy about the time time change. That means I can do more outside in the evening now! Maybe...we just need to go to permanent DST for the entire country! 🤪