The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

uacowboy's razor rodeo

When I started this shaving thing, it seemed everyone started with Vintage. There just weren't many companies (and certainly no artisans) making modern DEs. Plus, vintage were so very cheap compared to the high prices of the few moderns available. So I'm always surprised when I hear that some of the folks around here are unfamiliar with vintage DEs....

The majority of my vintage collection came from Antique Stores. You can really find some great bargains there.
I was in the same boat as KJ. Problem is word got out and now many stores and people think every vintage razor they own is worth a mint and you can sometimes feel, why not get a new modern for the kind of money they want. I like a balance of modern and vintage now myself.
Yeah. The main reason my knowlege is so limited it that i dove right into SRs. so i know a decent amount about the well known makers(or at least how to find the info i want) but i had until pretty recently only used a DE for travel when i didn't want to risk losing on of my straights. Honestly i think i pretty much have to blame ya'll for the interest in DEs now, and i just don't have the money for the nice newer stuff so i hunt down deals on the bay or antique shops which slows down acquisition speed but in my opinion is way more fun.
Honestly i think i pretty much have to THANK ya'll for the interest in DEs now
Fixed that for ya!

antique shops which slows down acquisition speed but in my opinion is way more fun
Way more fun indeed! I love the thrill of finding razors in the wild. Then getting them home and cleaning them up, that's the second best feeling.
It's always fun for me. Even if overpriced, I still enjoy seeing what is out there in the wild. If it's something I want, or don't have, I'll try to talk them down to a reasonable price.

I did find something yesterday, and as soon as I get home today and get it cleaned up, I will post about it.
It's always fun for me. Even if overpriced, I still enjoy seeing what is out there in the wild. If it's something I want, or don't have, I'll try to talk them down to a reasonable price.

I did find something yesterday, and as soon as I get home today and get it cleaned up, I will post about it.

Can't wait to see what you found. I have a weekend coming up that the wife and kids will be out of town. I have a few projects around the house i will be trying to get finished up but i think i may have to go cruise the local shops. Its been a while so i am sure there will be plenty of new stuff to see.
SOTD 2/21/19

Gillette SC
Voskhod (4)
Pilson w/ TGN synth
CFG Summer Storm (31)
The Veg

The shave was good. Still enjoying the new. I'm ready to be done with this soap and I'm getting close. Gonna be interesting picking the first soap to use once this one's gone.

The funny thing is the more you guys hate on it the more I want to use it
SOTD 2/22/19

Gillette SC
Voskhod (5)
Omega boar
CFG Summer Storm (32)
CFG Summer Storm AS

Had another good shave. Paid a bit more attention too my angles today and was rewarded with a very close shave and no irritation. it feels like this blade is starting to show signs of wearing out but I think this is the first time I have shaved 5 days in a row for a very long time.

I pushed the soap down and filled in the hole and leveled it before my shave. 5his stuff is pretty soft with the constant use. I will weigh in in a few days but I think I may only have another week or two left depending on how many shaves I get in on my days off.

In other news I am sitting in my office watching the snow come down via the security cameras not something you normally expect to see in a Tucson late February morning.