The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

uacowboy's razor rodeo

Ebay normally sides with the buyer in cases where damage or a flaw was deliberately hidden. I have had 2 cases like that and in one of them i got my money back and i got to keep the item because the seller didn't want to pay for return shipping. You just have to check the pictures well and read the description. you can always PM one of the guys here for an opinion too.

Yeah I know you guys would always help me out if needed. I’ve also been told to check feedback on the seller as well.

I also need to figure out where to start haha! I already have a Fatboy so I can check that off the list. Either way I’m sure I’ll be deep down the vintage rabbit hole sooner than later!
Vintage rocks! And there are good deals to be had on the bay, if you have patience.
SOTD 2/19/19

Gillettte The New SC
Voskhod (2)
Omega boar
CFG Summer Storm (29)
CFG Summer Storm AS

Man its been a day so far, more on that later. Started the day with nearly the same setup as yesterday. Just swapped out the brush. I think the omega is probably my best brush to pair with this soap. It hold a lot of water which tends to give me nearly perfect lathers right off the puck. Hardly have to any water at all. The razor was once again fantastic. I was barely back to DFS this morning to begin with so I got back to a solid BBS no problem.
So last night was rough. Just couldn't seem to get to sleep so I got maybe 3 hrs. So less than fun start to the day. Then I get to work where I get to pretty much run point the rest of the week since my supervisor is out of town at a training, and some of are field guys have been using our on call signup stuff to mess with each other which resulted in me having to make changes to the code of our program that generates the list for us. I have since made changes to the same program twice today for other unrelated thing from 2 other departments. For any of you that code I will say this, the guys who created this program (technically it's an access database) left exactly Zero notes in their programming.
Also I am supervising our new guys training, which is going very well so that's not difficult, and we have had pretty much one thing after another till a bit after noon.

I am very thankful for coffee this morning.
Also once again very behind on the forum and vlogs. Hopefully I can start catching up a bit soon.
CF called, they’ve renamed the soap in your honor: Year Long Storm

Yep only 4 more hrs. I think we have the drama handled for now. Hopefully the rest of the week is more like business as usual.

Sounds like some personal files need to be written in to me! Or some pink slips handed out!
CF called, they’ve renamed the soap in your honor: Year Long Storm
Feels like that. but i am betting i oficially break through to the bottom of the tub tomorrow.
Sounds like some personal files need to be written in to me! Or some pink slips handed out!

Wasn't quite that bad but they basically lost the ability to be as flexible with the list rotation which in the end makes the lives of me and my coworkers better. Just complicated my day today because i'm the only one that knows how to edit the program under the hood.
SOTD 2/20/19

Gillette SC
Voskhod (3)
Van der Hagen boar
CFG Summer Storm (30)
Clubman Reserve Whiskey Woods

Decided to change things up a bit today. Pulled out my first brush and a new AS. Also had a cold front come in so it was 28 when I got up. Decided to do a hurried shave but not to the point I'd consider it a speed shave. Wanted to be sure I had time to defrost the windshield. Came away with a solid BBS in about 10 min including cleanup and only a couple weepers where I hit some pimples(gotta love "winter"). The Whiskey Woods is pretty nice. Got the slightest hint of the whiskey at the beginning and then dried down to the familiar powdery smell of Clubman but a little bit warmer in tone.

I need to pick up some sharper blades to try with the New. I get a very smooth and close shave with the Voskhod blades for sure but I am curious what I can do with a little extra sharpness.

Also this happened this morning

Got a bloodborne pathogen and fire extinguisher safety training this morning. Should be thrilling.

Have a great day Cadre.
Nice shave Kyle! I love the look of that razor.

Gotta love the mandatory trainings. Ours are ridiculously exaggerated cartoon videos so at least they’re somewhat entertaining lol