The Shaving Cadre

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TSC Watch List

Also.......have you found it nearly impossible to dry off completely with all that arm hair? I always find it's like I have a permanent layer of salt on my body.

And don't get me started on lotion application with the arm hair.
Another One of my Favorites.

A little dirty.

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Watch Wars!!!! Divers edition.

Well, the bottom of the ocean can be a cold, dark and scary place....even if you haven't spent several hundred thousand dollars to see it from the inside of a janky submersible.....but with watches like'll at least know how much time is left on the oxygen supply.

So, lets hold our breath and dive into the fabulous time pieces.

Up first is our man Ed.....of the I can hold my breath if you'll just hold my beer variety:


That looks amazing. I like the bezel with the raised numbers. Very cool. And I bet you could see that red face at 13,000 feet........if you're down there that low.

Up next is Dave....of the I only doggy paddle variety:


Coool. I like the band......very comfortable if you're seeing the depths. The yellow numbers pop off the face and make this one really stunning. Very sleek.

Next's Mark....of the Yellow Submarine variety:


Awesome!!! Mark brought the heat for the day. Nice and stylish. Plus's a trifecta.

Our next entry is from Rich....of the I only sink this low for the mermaid's variety:


HAHAHAHA!!! I love Rich. He's the best. If you don't already know why we all should love him....take a closer look at the face of his watch. He's a card.....he should be dealt with. I also like the note at the bottom of the face (sadly, Rich won't be able to wear this watch on Home Made day of the competition.....or on Hilarious day).

Well....the missing sub has been located...R.I.P.....and so it's time to award a winner in the contest for the day..................It's...........


Can't go wrong with a historical nod and taking the time to tell me about it.

Join us tomorrow when our theme will be.... Watches @NurseDave Might Wear on Vacation!!!! I'm looking for some super fun (and funny) ideas here, people.....come on...let's make him laugh while he's sitting on the beach sipping mai tais.
Watch Wars!!!! Divers edition.

Well, the bottom of the ocean can be a cold, dark and scary place....even if you haven't spent several hundred thousand dollars to see it from the inside of a janky submersible.....but with watches like'll at least know how much time is left on the oxygen supply.

So, lets hold our breath and dive into the fabulous time pieces.

Up first is our man Ed.....of the I can hold my breath if you'll just hold my beer variety:


That looks amazing. I like the bezel with the raised numbers. Very cool. And I bet you could see that red face at 13,000 feet........if you're down there that low.

Up next is Dave....of the I only doggy paddle variety:


Coool. I like the band......very comfortable if you're seeing the depths. The yellow numbers pop off the face and make this one really stunning. Very sleek.

Next's Mark....of the Yellow Submarine variety:


Awesome!!! Mark brought the heat for the day. Nice and stylish. Plus's a trifecta.

Our next entry is from Rich....of the I only sink this low for the mermaid's variety:


HAHAHAHA!!! I love Rich. He's the best. If you don't already know why we all should love him....take a closer look at the face of his watch. He's a card.....he should be dealt with. I also like the note at the bottom of the face (sadly, Rich won't be able to wear this watch on Home Made day of the competition.....or on Hilarious day).

Well....the missing sub has been located...R.I.P.....and so it's time to award a winner in the contest for the day..................It's...........


Can't go wrong with a historical nod and taking the time to tell me about it.

Join us tomorrow when our theme will be.... Watches @NurseDave Might Wear on Vacation!!!! I'm looking for some super fun (and funny) ideas here, people.....come on...let's make him laugh while he's sitting on the beach sipping mai tais.
For those wondering who is in the lead for wins on this totally fake competition (yes, I've been keeping track because....nerd!):

@BarberDave - 12
@NurseDave - 11
@Majorrich - 8
@ED3054 - 4
@MarkB - 3
@Fenster - 1

Who else wants to get in on the weekday silliness?

@Spider @dangerousdon @Bob MCk @GearNoir @Luecke3262 @EMG06 @woodpusher @CBLindsay @CVargo @Pedigree @wombadom

Oh....and I'll accept multiple entries for tomorrow's theme. Let's have a friday, fun day (see theme in my previous post)
An amusing watch for Dave’s Vacation adventures. Can’t be done with just one watch. As we all know Dave is a man of many facets.
First a nice sky blue watch to go with the cloudless sun and beauty that is his vacation venue. The fact that the watch is the Uranus model should not be forefront here.


Next is for evening wear. Dave is a “Larger than Life “ kind of guy. So a big shiny watch would wow the natives.


Finally, there are times when a feller just wants to feel purty. Well, we got that covered too. I’m still trying to source a crystal for this one.

Well… Since unlike @NurseDave , I do not have any Neanderthal dna,nor that of Robin Williams, and being of island decent ,I don’t have alot of hair, just beautiful supple lizard skin

So what would Dave wear??


For me however, and I know he likes Glycine, so….. here is mine for the day

Well heck, if I don’t win the what would Dave wear on vacation, that’s kinda like losing a Nurse Dave look-a-like contest.

Here is what I brought. A diver for the water times. A nice, but not too nice for any road trips that may lead to trails. And a nice for the rest of the times and the sales presentation.


Today we’re headed to North Shore which is guess is the bouje area.

Watch Wars...... @NurseDave on Vacation edition!!!

He's our favorite Nurse....he's our favorite patio zoomer....he's our favorite San Fransiscan.....he's also enjoying the lovely island paradise that is Hawaii.....50th state.....heavenly, tropical nirvana.

Let's see what kind of watches our contestants think our man Dave would wear on his holiday.

Up first is Rich....of the I'm on vacation all day, every day variety:


This is fun. And as Rich said...this looks very much like the pacific ocean sky around this time of year. Heavenly. I may take a nap next to this watch. Also....URANUS!!!!!

But Rich also posted this watch....


This is what Rich thinks Dave would wear on a night out of the town. Sipping Navy Grog and hulaing the night away. Heck, Dave might even do a fire dance....he's quite the dancer. Dressed to cargo shorts!!

And Rich also posted this watch.....


Dave is a man very much in touch with his feminine side.....and he's not above wearing something that makes him a woman (thank you Shania). Dave is...afterall....a nurse (and I'll be the first to acknowledge that a nurse is not gender-specific anymore....Dave is the BEST nurse we know).

Our next contestant is Ed...of the everywhere I go it's a vacation variety:


Ed tried to opt out of today's silliness........but that won't stop me. Dave is swimming in a beautiful blue ocean....and a blue divers watch perfectly conveys that. Accidental theme conformity.....I love it.

Up next is Dave....of the NOT on vacation this week variety:


Ok....Dave felt it was necessary to insult those of us with an abundance of X chromosomes.......which is not nice. But we'll ignore him and see what watch he really submitted today...


Very nice. And since its a watch brand that Vacation Dave likes......even nicer (see's possible to be nice without being so mean....ya big meany). I like the leather band and the face and band are matchy matchy....always a plus.

Up next is.......some guy...of the not a real nursedave variety:


Fascinating. None of these watches are what anyone thinks Dave would wear on vacation. First of all.....that blue one is not as water-proof as he thinks it is...having come from the Rich's Fine Family of Fakes watch shop. The middle one is not too bad, but Dave would have worn something less shiny....Dave being a pretty humble guy. And the one on the right......Well...Dave clearly wouldn't wear Giants colors......he's smarter than that. Now get outta here, ya imposter.

Well, my burrito is warmed up and I'm ready to declare a's.......

Everyone!!! (including that cheater @NurseDave who clearly is NOT NurseDave). And besides....he's in Hawaii so he already wins.

Well, that's our show for this week. Join us again on monday when our theme will be..................


BTW, the winner of the NurseDave look-a-like contest is....................... @Spider . I'm right in assuming that Dave has a mohawk.....right?