The Shaving Cadre

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TSC Watch List

Watch Wars...........anyone's guess edition!

I'll be honest......I'm running out of steam for theme's. Doesn't help that the contestants are cranky....the host is overworked....and there's only so much watch humor in the world.

That being said.......I threw today's theme to the wind and let you go nuts with whatever you wanted (history has shown that this group...when allowed to do as it likes....can be a hurricane of sleepy toddlers carrying pitchforks and driving while intoxicated) lets see what mayhem we have for today....

First up is Rich....who never sleeps in.....of the Wild and Crazy guy variety:


Oh man, that's cool. First DIY watch? Extra cool. Stormtrooper? Coolness overload!!

Next up....Chad....of the very tall variety:


Oh hey....wait.....are Chad and I fans of the same football team? How did that never come up? As for the watch, very nice. Completely on point for a Raiders watch...Silver and Black. Boom. Very Nice.

And here's our friend Dave......of the bay view patio variety:

5faf6e4a-51a5-46e1-8a44-491d9e65b3a3-jpeg.112112 Dave decided to go with the zero details submission today (never helpful) but he brought a watch with numbers!!!........except its missing twelve. SMH. It is very nice. Very clean face and I like the little hint of red.

Our next contestant is Mark.....of the Fat Bottomed Girls variety:


Whoa! Mark likes him some big watches. Go big, or go home, I guess. If this watch doesn't pull ya down to Davy Jones Locker.....nothing will. I like that there's exactly one red dot. This is a nice looking watch.

Next up is Dave.....of the Sun Always Shines on TV variety:


Ok....looks like you guys all came up with your own theme today....Monochromatic. I like it. This watch has a cool bottlecap look to the edge of the bezel. And it does have that hint of red. This one is a looker.

And here's an entry from our man ED....of the Dingo's ate my baby Variety:


Oh.....Ed put his own spin on the theme he wasn't aware we were using today....Instead of a hint of red...he opted for a hint of yellow. Ed doesn't march to the same tune that's playing in our heads.

Well, here we go with the themeless theme of Monochromatic watches.......

Today's judging is extra hard.....because they're all so good (except for that Dave guy that feels he can attack a judge without impunity....but even we agree his watch is nice......much nicer than him)...

I'm going to have to give this one to....


He did build that one himself and it kicked off our themeless theme today.

Well, that's our show for today, come back tomorrow when our theme will be...........

Welcome to Watch Wars...Lume edition.....hang on....that name makes me think of the lady selling deodorant for her whoo-ha.......lets go with the unscientific Glow In The Dark edition!!!

It shines like a beacon in the night.....calling moths and predators from miles around (no...we're not still talking about the Lume lady) you can amaze your friends.

Glowing watch faces are super cool....super awesome....and super hard to photograph.....let's see if our contestants can pull this one off.

First up......and beaming like the early morning sunshine that he's Rich...of the DayGlow personality variety:


Whoa!!! Rich is trying to be seen from space with this thing. If I'm ever lost in the woods at night....I want Rich's wrist there with me (hang on....that sounds way dirtier than I thought it would sound). This is a Glow In The Dark on steroids. Let's hope this is how Rich bought this watch and not a result of Rich going too close to several nuclear reactors. This watch should come with a warning sign.

The next light in the darkness is Dave.....of the Light in The Darkness variety:


Oh MY!!! That is soooooo cool!!! It might not be as useful for landing planes as Rich's watch but if you needed to know what time it was in the pitch black darkness of the night....this would really do the trick. Plus the face is very nice. I like the simplicity. And the way the hands seem to float...very cool. Add in the glowy bezel ticks and this is a super looking watch.

The next ray of sunshine is Mark....of the Bee-bob-a-loola variety:


Hmmm.....seems Mark missed the memo.....or.....he's reached the end of his patience for my nonsense (that's completely fair) and didn't bring a Glow In The Dark watch.....or maybe he did and he just couldn't get a good photo. Either way......this (sadly) gets a zero from the judges (Mark's going to be super bummed if we have the ocean as a theme .......because this would be a contender).

Here we have Dave....of the Beacon on the Hill.....overlooking the airport...variety:


Hey, that's cool....and I see what Dave is trying to do with the light up numbers......but he's also hoping I won't notice the incredibly offensive Giants colors!!!! Nice try, Dave. The baseball-esque leather band is nice but also gives away the Giants-ness. This one should be lights out!

Up next is Ed...of the Sunny Disposition variety:


Wow!! That one is easy to read......Ed might be Iron Man......or full of that stuff they use to make you glow during an x-ray. Again, I dig the glowy hands. Definitely cool.

Ok....the Chicken Fettuccini (homemade) is nuked and ready to let's choose a winner.

It's....... @BarberDave

I think the glowy extra ticks on the bezel put this one over the top for me today. But everyone (except Mark) brought some neat pieces.

Tomorrow's honor of our on-the-mend brother @Graybeard57 about we go with open faced watches that show off all the internal workings and gears and plumbing. Bruce's pipes are looking good but how are the rest of the Cadre's??

See you all tomorrow.....or as @GearNoir would say.......ITS FRIDAY!!!!!!!