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TSC Watch List

This one is Definitely

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These are the Manly sounds and activities of Manly Men....

But what kind of watches would a Manly Man wear.....

Let's see what our contestants think a Manly watch looks like on Watch Wars, Manly edition:

First up is the epitome of a Manly Man....Rich of the Bulging Biceps variety:


See...I knew Rich would understand the assignment. This watch says I make women swoon just by walking in the room. Houses build themselves when I pick up a hammer. And precision time is kept with this watch. Lovely face and it has numbers.....not all of them but we're getting there. The band is extra pinchy and that's extra Manly when you have the arm hair Rich does. Top notch watch.

Our next contestant is only slightly less Manly than Rich (but we're talking about a few minor molecules of Manlyness.....mainly around the eye region)'s Dave.....of the perfectly quaffed hair variety:


Ooooooo.....very, very, very nice. Nothings says Manly quite like the stylish gauges of an airplane. I love the face on this one. Very cool.....very Manly. The band has matchy matchy elements and that's cool. I'm thrown off by the fact that there are numbers on one side but not the I'm again, feeling like I'm getting through to you guys on this issue....but not quite that much. The contrasting colors is super cool. And I like that a single button is a very different shade of blue and matches nothing else on the watch....intriguing.

Our third contestant is so Manly.....they had to redefine what it means to be Manly on the day he was's Dave........of the bench presses 3 times his own body weight just for fun variety:


Ok.........I'm torn on this one. The watch is perfectly Manly....and the face is very nice...still needs numbers! and the band is leather and leather is very Manly (just ask the Village People).......but the super obvious suck up going on in this post makes me Dave less Manly because of his story.....or in spite of it? In a way, he's showing the contrast between a very Manly man, in this case Colonel Scott, and a less Manly man who is trying to play to the judge's interests and likes.....The judges like being sucked up to......but they also dislike it (we're a riddle, inside a puzzle, inside a tasty candy shell). But we'll ignore this blatant attempt to influence our decision and rule as only we can.......semi-partially.

Next up is the super Manly Ed....of the Tattooed variety (BTW...what is on the rest of that arm?):


Very nice. I like the matchy matchy band and face. It has numbers (a bonus!) and the look is very stylish. Ed also gets bonus points for taking his injured doggy to the vet (it's very Manly to take care of your pets).

And we have a late entrant.... Chris ...of the incredibly unhairy (yet still quite Manly) variety:


This is a sweet looking time piece. Very classic face. I see numbers!!!! (if you had submitted this during the Roman numerals would have won!). I do like this band. Baseball glove leather with some stitching always appeals to me. This is the kind of watch I might even want to get someday (the Dave's can chill their CEC jets......I said in maybe).

And we have another contestant...Jimmy....of the Manly Jaro variety:


Whoa!! That's a nice looking watch. It's got numbers. It's got a very comfortable looking band (always a plus) and the face is very cool. You may also be suffering the same hairless disease that Chris has.......I seem to be immune from that ailment.

But the judges have their Manly pulled pork all warmed up and they're ready to award stud muffin points to the following winner of today's competition (I may live to regret that last sentence)....


That was one Manly watch. I feel like it built a small block chevy engine by itself while I was looking at it.

Tomorrow's theme......Gift watches. Let's see the best that you've ever received (a quick note to the Dave's......a watch you bought yourself is not a yourself.....nice try, cheaters)

See ya next time on Watch Wars!!!
He says he takes bribes, then doesn't like being kissed up to. He doesn't like being ignored but then poo-poos a genuine story of mutual interest. He's a grown man but insists a watch must have numbers so he can count his way around the dial. And yet has praised watches with numbers unrelated to the actual time and dismissed watches with too few numbers. I'm 95% sure our judge is posting during his "free time" after soft food and pudding lunch at his local lock-down facility.
He says he takes bribes, then doesn't like being kissed up to. He doesn't like being ignored but then poo-poos a genuine story of mutual interest. He's a grown man but insists a watch must have numbers so he can count his way around the dial. And yet has praised watches with numbers unrelated to the actual time and dismissed watches with too few numbers. I'm 95% sure our judge is posting during his "free time" after soft food and pudding lunch at his local lock-down facility.
But here is the flaw in your plan. He knows I have quite an extensive Apollo and NASA collection, both flown and actual moon landed items, and he’s trying to get into the will
I Have no watches to Enter Today.
The Two I had were handed down from my father and Grandfather. I lost them in a Fire 30 some years ago. I was 3 days away Working by the time I got back home the backhoe already had most of the home in the landfill.
( I did not own the home. )

Thanks for letting me Ramble on. [emoji15][emoji12]

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