Still heavy into the whiskey samplers from last night, yes?
But thank you, Dave. I try to be a good person, but often fall short for a variety of reasons.
Today is my wife's birthday.

Well, actually it is the celebration of the anniversary of her birthday, but she prefers the shortened version for some reason. When we woke up at 6:30 this morning, the first thing she asked was whether we could go for our walk or if that noise she was hearing was rain. It was a light rain, which allowed her to get another hour of blissful sleep and then we had coffee and toast before heading out. She was happy!
We gorged on Greek food Saturday, Greek leftovers and some biryani yesterday, going out for sushi & teriyaki today with some close friends, and probably fish and chips tomorrow. This will have hit most of her cravings ... I think. Well, except for world travel.