The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Trials of a woodpusher: Adventures in chess, backyard gardening, and maybe whisker chopping

Sep.14: ASD2 w/Rapira Swedish(2) ... Paladin Sumo ......... Soapy Bathman Tropical Lime ... Captain's Choice Lime balm

The Rapira was much the same today as yesterday. That is to say, it gave a nice and easy shave, but it's barely a CCS at best.

I let my wife sleep in this morning and she wasn't happy about not being able to take a walk before work. Lesson learned.

Today's workout was:
- mowing the lawns with a manual reel mover
"Honey don't let me sleep in I have some stuff to do before work"
"Dear, it's 5:30, you told me to wake you up"
"I SAID 9:30!!!!"
"oh I missed the 9 part"
" Now I can not go back to sleep"
"Well... since you are up, wanna make coffee?"

Gunshot is heard........
Sep.15: ASD2 w/Rapira Swedish(3) ... Paladin Sumo ......... Soapy Bathman Tropical Lime ... Captain's Choice Lime balm

As semi-expected, the Rapira Swedish blade is suffering. Lots of tugging this morning, so I tossed it and will try another one starting tomorrow. This is the first time in a LONG while that I have been unable/unwilling to use a blade for a week.

I woke the wife at 6:30 this morning and she was happy! OMG what is the world coming to?

Today's workout was:
- 1 hr lakeside walk
I woke the wife at 6:30 this morning and she was happy! OMG what is the world coming to?
Oh, here's what you do. When you wake up, make some coffee and then just stand next to the bed staring at her until she wakes up. That way you're not waking her up if she wants to sleep in, but you're there to support her if she wants encouragement to get up for a walk.
I did that once and she had a mild panic attack when she woke up. The same thing when I get about a foot away when she's snoozing on the couch. :eek:

Honestly, would you want me to be the first thing you see when you open your eyes? 👹
Very good point, but you would apologize, of course.... Being Canadian and all.....
Sep.16: ASD2 w/Rapira Swedish(1) ... Paladin Sumo ......... Soapy Bathman Tropical Lime ... Captain's Choice Lime balm

The new blade is starting off with a better shave than the previous one. Hopefully, the other blade was a simply one-off; these things happen.

Walkwise, my wife starting getting some shin pain about 20 mins in, so we cut things short and turned back. Better safe than sorry when it comes to shin splints.

Today's workout was:
- 45 min lakeside walk