TSC’s International Man of Meh
With the humidex at 38C (100 F), what better way to spend the afternoon than scraping/sanding the trim on the shed and applying primer? 

Sounds like you had a rough weekend my friend, first painting then Physio, I hope you have a fantastic day you deserve it my friend!Had my first physio session for my wonked out shoulder yesterday. I was given some homework exercises consisting of seven (7) exercises, each being 3 sets of 10, and a rubber band that the physiotherapist probably said was too short and too string (but it was all he had). He was correct on both accounts. I amanged to get though 3 full exercises but then had to reduce to 2 sets for the remainder. Next Friday, I will ask his what is a slightly lighter rubber band for me to pick up.
Great, now Sam thinks he can control the clouds.I will wait a half hour or so for a small shadow to come into existence before I start.
Nice job, Sam.Whoomp, there it is!
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