The Shaving Cadre

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Trials of a woodpusher: Adventures in chess, backyard gardening, and maybe whisker chopping

With the humidex at 38C (100 F), what better way to spend the afternoon than scraping/sanding the trim on the shed and applying primer? :unsure:
Had my first physio session for my wonked out shoulder yesterday. I was given some homework exercises consisting of seven (7) exercises, each being 3 sets of 10, and a rubber band that the physiotherapist probably said was too short and too string (but it was all he had). He was correct on both accounts. I amanged to get though 3 full exercises but then had to reduce to 2 sets for the remainder. Next Friday, I will ask his what is a slightly lighter rubber band for me to pick up.
Had my first physio session for my wonked out shoulder yesterday. I was given some homework exercises consisting of seven (7) exercises, each being 3 sets of 10, and a rubber band that the physiotherapist probably said was too short and too string (but it was all he had). He was correct on both accounts. I amanged to get though 3 full exercises but then had to reduce to 2 sets for the remainder. Next Friday, I will ask his what is a slightly lighter rubber band for me to pick up.
Sounds like you had a rough weekend my friend, first painting then Physio, I hope you have a fantastic day you deserve it my friend!
Okay, no painting today. It's TOO sticky, even for me.

The past week of shaves were with a GSB blade (Thanks, @Somnos !) and it is a VERY nice blade. Next blade will be using a Rapira Super Stainless (pink/black/blue wrapper) as I LOVE these blades in other DEs and want to see how they perform in the R2D2 ASD2.

Aug.16: ASD2 w/GSB(1) .................... Graydog silvertip .... Soapy Bathman Tropical Lime ... Captain's Choice Lime balm
Aug.17: ASD2 w/GSB(2) .................... Graydog silvertip .... Soapy Bathman Tropical Lime ... Captain's Choice Lime balm
Aug.18: ASD2 w/GSB(3) .................... Graydog silvertip .... Soapy Bathman Tropical Lime ... Captain's Choice Lime balm
Aug.19: ASD2 w/GSB(4) .................... Graydog silvertip .... Soapy Bathman Tropical Lime ... Captain's Choice Lime balm
Aug.20: ASD2 w/GSB(5) .................... Graydog silvertip .... Soapy Bathman Tropical Lime ... Captain's Choice Lime balm
Aug.21: ASD2 w/GSB(6) .................... Graydog silvertip .... Soapy Bathman Tropical Lime ... Captain's Choice Lime balm
Aug.22: ASD2 w/GSB(7) .................... Graydog silvertip .... Soapy Bathman Tropical Lime ... Captain's Choice Lime balm
Aug.23: ASD2 w/Rapira SS(1) ............ Graydog silvertip .... Soapy Bathman Tropical Lime ... Captain's Choice Lime balm

First shave with my favorite Rapira in the ASD2. Very nice, but the Nacet and GSB were both better. We will see if the blade settles in over the next few days.

Today's workout was:
- 40 min lakeside walk
- 40 min elliptical
The outside temps are no longer 39C/102F with the humidex like the past two days, so I went to the hardware store and picked up a quart of white paint for the shed's trim. I will wait a half hour or so for a small shadow to come into existence before I start.

Oh, it's ONLY 38C/100F outside right now ... see, I told you it wasn't 39C/102F ;)
That pic was just the shadow about 30 mins after my guesstimate of 30 mins for it to appear, Bruce. Priming was done on Saturday, which is why it looked "clean." Looks shiny (well, okay, semi-glossy) white now.
Aug.24: ASD2 w/Rapira SS(2) ............ Graydog silvertip .... Soapy Bathman Tropical Lime ... Captain's Choice Lime balm

A shorter early morning walk by the lake as my wife seems to be getting some shin splints. Even going slower, we only managed to do 40 mins, which, as she said, is still better than nothing.

Today's workout was:
- 40 min lakeside walk
- 40 min elliptical

Shoulders were stiff enough and in pain after painting that I didn't even do my shoulder physio work last night. *ugh*
Hopefully it’s been cooler in the mornings there! One of those deep-summer things I hate is when it doesn’t even cool down enough to get relief from the heat at night.